Chapter 17

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This man was something else.

"You said you weren't going to be here." Leilani said simply. She placed her hands behind her back, attempting to conceal the letter.

Carter sighed. He ran his hands down his face and decided to fess up. "I knew you wouldn't want to see me if you knew I'd be here." Carter told her. He was indeed right, though. Leilani didn't even want to be in the office today.

Leilani decided to stay quiet. She folded her arms against her chest. Positioning herself in a "explain now" stance.

"I lied about Rachel because I didn't want to ruin what we have going. It was a very short lived fling. The baby she's carrying is definitely not mine." Carter was sure to emphasize those last two words.

"Please, forgive me. I haven't slept since last nights catastrophe." Carter begged.

Leilani cleared her throat. "Carter, I can't do this anymore." She tried her best not to choke up but it was hard. Her eyes were starting to glaze.

"Leilani, please don't," he attempted to change her mind but she cut him short. "I made a promise to my mother to end things. I don't have any ill wishing towards you, I am just asking to keep things professional between us from now on." Leilani stated. She was surprised she'd gotten through that so smoothly.

They stared at each other for what seemed like forever before Carter eventually nodded in agreement. "Alright." He said, simply. "If that's what your mother really wants." Carter mumbled under his breath.

"I'll come back to get whatever work you have assigned to me for the day." Leilani went back to her business mindset.

Carter plopped down in his office chair and focused on his computer, immediately typing away. "Don't worry. I'll have Glenda communicate things to you from now on." Carter didn't look at her when he spoke.

The tension was rising.

"It's not a problem," Leilani tried to tell him but he held up a hand, signaling for her to stop talking. Rude. "Glenda." He repeated before waving her out of his office.

Was Carter serious? This wasn't how Leilani expected him to take the news. She hoped to still work beside him, only this time things would be business only.

Leilani went back to her cubicle, tossing the flowers angrily into her trash can and ripping up the card. Carter was the one who lied. He was also the one who invited her mother to the cookout. This was all his fault.

Leilani met up with Sally in the break room for their usual coffee and catch-up. Leilani really didn't want to be associated with Sally after the whole Rachel scenario. But it wasn't Sally's fault, she knew nothing about Carter and Leilani's situationship.

"Did you hear about Rachel?" Sally asked. Mentally, Leilani rolled her eyes. She was tired of hearing about this woman!

Instead of scowling at Sally like she wanted to, she plastered on a fake smile. "No, what happened to her?" She asked, unwillingly. Leilani did not care for that woman.

"She went on maternity leave." Sally informed her. "It's weird, though. Rachel's nowhere near ready for birth. She's only in her second trimester." Sally continued. Leilani immediately knew it was Carters doing.

So, not only did he lie about Rachel. But also, he tried to cover it up. Unbelievable.

Leilani's mind traveled back to Erin mentioning Rachel. How did Erin know Rachel? Does Carter bring every office conquest around his children?

Sally cleared her throat loudly to grab Leilani's attention. "Like I was saying, I heard there was a return date in her contract. She's going around telling people she's getting paid so it doesn't matter when she comes back." Sally relayed the gossip.

"That's so crazy." Leilani replied, not really caring. "Little does she know, Mr. Vanderbilts been talking with Human Resources about firing her."

Leilani raised her eyebrows. "For what?" She wandered. "Because she keeps getting pregnant. And honestly, she doesn't really do anything here. She just online shops all day." Sally snickered.

Leilani checked outside the break room and noticed a Glenda headed towards Carter's office.

"So, I guess Mr. Vanderbilt is back on the market. Do you think I have a shot with him?" Sally seriously wanted Leilani's opinion. Leilani looked at Sally like she was out of her mind.

Leilani finished her coffee and left the break room.

Glenda found Leilani shortly, placing a pile of manuscripts that had to be at least a foot and a half tall, onto her desk. Glenda gave her a look of pity before walking away.

Leilani looked at the sticky note on top of the pile. It was a note from Carter:

Have done by 8am - C.V.

Leilani traced over his initials with her finger.

So they were back to this. Back to being strangers. Back to the hell he used to give her.

Leilani pulled out her red ink pen and highlighter. It was time to work.

After working through lunch and getting half of her work done, when 4:30pm rolled around, she grabbed her stack of manuscripts and rushed to the bus stop. She couldn't be late coming home.

Leilani had completely forgotten how hot it was and she regretted wearing an all black suit to work in the sweltering heat. By the time she made it to her house, she was drenched in sweat and her arms aches from everything she was carrying.

After a rejuvenation shower and nap, Leilani continued working. And as she did, she realized how much of an asshole Carter had been today.

Carter did a completely 180° on Leilani and she didn't deserve it. If he wanted to torture her for the rest of her internship, she would do the same.

Tomorrow, she planned on dressing opposite of today's crumbling look. She was going to make sure her caramel skin glistened in the office and she looked her absolute best; always.

Leilani was going to make Carter eat his heart out.

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