3| houston... we have a problem

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Alina goes off on her date. With some reluctancy I might add. Reece had showed up to the door with his nice jeans and button up on and Alina was still in her sweats. She didn't want me alone tonight but I assured her I was fine.

She was forced into the shower and I was here to wallow all by my lonesome.

I slipped into a bubble bath and sipped tequila out of my 'If karma doesn't smack you. I will' mug.

About an hour after Alina left, I was sitting in my now cold bath when the door slammed shut. Alina shouldn't be back yet.

"Alina?" I called. I heard the shuffling of feet and the door cracked open. Tucker stepped through the door and closed it behind him.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I said. The bubbles covered most of my private areas.

"I had a bad date." he threw his shirt over his head and undid his belt. I made myself busy with looking at my mug while he slipped into the opposite side of the bath tub.

It was a small tub it barely fit me and now a second person was in here. "What happened?" I said setting my mug on the edge of the tub.

"I don't know. It didn't feel right. The date was fine and she asked me if I wanted to go back to her place but I just... couldn't." his eyes met mine.

Moments later I was in his lap, my legs wrapped around his waist, and my ass sitting firmly on his thighs.

He looks down at my bandaged hand. "What happened?"

"I had it out with a vase. I would say I won but seeing as it sliced through my palm, I'd call it a tie."

"Mhm." he kissed my bandage. His fingers trailed down my back down to my ass and he squeezed. He groaned and pressed his chest into mine.

He brought his lips down onto mine. He kissed me with such tenderness it shook through my body. He pulled away and it took me a moment before I could open my eyes.

When I did I saw him watching me. "We shouldn't be doing this." I said grabbing a handful of his curls.

"You're probably right." he said against my lips. He kissed me again but this time he slipped backwards into the tub. We were laying down at the bottom of the tub, the water draining out of the tub.

His leg raised up and hit the edge of the tub. I heard a crash and pulled away from him to see the mug shattered on the floor.

"I'm so sorry. I'll buy you a new one or-"

"Don't worry about it. It was Alina's." He pulls me back down on top of him and kisses me again.

"Having sex in a bathtub is a lot harder than I would have originally thought." he said into my hair.

We were on my bed now. Tucker was chattering away and I was half asleep, curled into his chest.



"Shut up and let me sleep." he pulled me closer into him and I exhaled. God he smelled good.

I didn't know how to describe it. He smelled like... a man? Testosterone must smell like woodsy and soap but my god I could inhale him.

"Hals?" he muttered.

"Please don't ruin the moment..." I heard him bite down on his lip and sigh.

"Nevermind." he kissed the top of my head as I drifted off into sleep.

A knock came at my door and I startled awake. I opened my eyes to see a naked Tucker lying on top of my comforter, belly down.

I pulled a tee shirt over my head and rubbed my eyes. His bare ass just sitting there, I was really tempted to slap it but didn't want to wake him up.

"Hal's I'm coming in." Alina's voice rang from outside. The door creaked opened and I threw my entire body into the door. It slammed shut and I prayed I didn't just break my shoulder.

"Hals! What the hell?" she called from outside. I turned the lock quietly.

"Sorry. It's- Its just such a mess in here. Give me a sec." I picked up a shoe and chucked it at Tuckers head. He jolted awake.

"What the-" I pressed a finger to my lips and pointed to my door.

"Hals is someone in there with you?" Alina called
from the other side of the door.

"Nope. Nope, just me. Um give me a sec."

I looked around my room. Window, I mouthed to Tucker.

He looked to the window and then back to me. NO, he mouthed back.

I nodded my head and threw his clothes at him. I opened the window and pointed out. He pulled his pants up and walked over to me.

"I'm not going out the window." he whispered pulling his shirt back over his head.

"This is our only option. So get out!" I whispered-yelled back.

"This is a great time to tell her. Shes out there were in here."

"Ok, imagine this," I say. "We walk out there, disheveled and half naked and Alina sees us. We tell her we've been sleeping together, behind her back. Who do you think she'll tell first?"


"Right. And then they want to sit down and have a talk and-"

"Im going to stop you right there. Out the window I'm going." he ducks his head and climbs out onto the roof of the building below. I shut the window and pull the drapes over it.

I open the door and plaster the fakest fucking smile I could muster.

"What's up?" I say.

She peeks past me and into my room. "I swore I heard someone else in there."

"Just me talking to myself again." I laugh.

"Are you okay? I was going to sleep at Reece's tonight but if you need me here I could stay."

"No I'm fine really. Much better after my nap. Ok so I'll see you tomorrow?" I shut the door before she can answer and slump against it. I'm such a terrible friend.

I hear the front door shut and open my window back up. Tuckers sitting there shivering.

Before I can even say anything he dives back into my room. "Oh my god! It's so cold." his teeth chatter.

I run my hands up and down his arms. "I'm sorry." I laugh. But I'm really not.

"We have a problem." his face is completely serious.

"What's wrong?"

"Alina came in to check on you but Reece was waiting in the truck outside."

"Did he see you?" I say. Panic floods my body.

"He waved at me. But there's a 2% chance that it could have been a bird."


All Mine {BOOK 2 OF THE LAURIE U SERIES}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ