Chapter 28

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AN: triple updates this week enjoy. Happy Valentien's

'Mary, you forgot the corset,' Emma said as Mary helped her get dressed. Emma was standing in her cotton chemise after bath.

'I didn't, Your Grace.'

'Then why are you holding my dress, instead?'

'It's not good to wear a corset in your condition. You need more room to breathe.'

Emma gasped, 'You know?'

'The help always knows,' Mary said smugly.

'You mean, all the maids know?'

'Not everyone, Your Grace.'

Seeing the panicked look on Emma's face Mary added, 'the laundry maid, and the head cook know, but Mrs. Dennis had given them both strict instructions not to breathe a word.'

'Mrs. Dennis knows?'

'Did you really think she would miss something this important?'

'I haven't even told Lord Nicholas yet!' Emma said in a small voice.

'No one will breathe a word, Your Grace. Not until you are ready.'

Emma was not particularly reassured, she hasn't yet mustered the courage to tell Lord Nicholas.

Emma dressed and headed downstairs for breakfast. She missed Nicholas dearly. An issue arose in one of his lands and he had to stay there for a couple of days. Nicholas wanted her to accompany, but she stayed back so she could see the preparation for Amanda's thirteenth birthday. Amanda was old enough to start tying her hair up, an event Emma wouldn't miss for the world.

Much to the cook's chagrin, Emma insisted on baking Amanda's birthday cake. Emma's mother used to do that for her and she always loved it.

'You don't have to pretend-play mother to her. She is too young to know about you. You will show your true colour soon. So don't go to lengths. I can't bear to see my sister get hurt,' Amelia said venomously.

'I could never hurt any of you. Please, I am not pretending anything.'

'Amelia! Shut up, can't you see you are hurting her?' came the angry voice of Amanda, she was glaring at Amelia.

'I am not hurting her, she doesn't even have an ounce of shame in her to feel hurt. As I keep repeating to you she is no angel. She is full of venom. I can't see you getting hurt because of her.'

'She is not, perhaps it's you. Since you keep spewing venom, you see venom in everything and everyone.'

'It's your fault. Are you happy that you turned my own sister against me?' Amelia accused Emma, turning to Amanda she added, 'Mark my words, you will realise the truth some day and regret not paying heed to me. '

Amelia turned and marched off.

'I am sorry about her,' apologized Amanda.

'I am not angry with her, Amanda, but you should apologize to her and make amends.'

'I didn't say anything that wasn't true. She knows you are good. I don't know why she keeps up the facade'

'Amanda, it's unkind to say something like that about your sister. She loves you. I will turn miserable knowing that I was the reason you both fought.'

'You are too forgiving for your own good,' Amanda said. She went to Amelia's room all the same.

'Wow! You made this?' came the excited voice of Amy.

Before Emma could answer in affirmative, Amy added, 'I want one like this for my birthday.'

'Sure, anything you want.'

Amy squealed in delight and hugged her. Amanda invited her friends, other than that the birthday party was a simple family affair.

After the cutting cake, Amanda sat opening the gifts with her friends.

First, she opened the gift from Nicholas. It was a brooch, a family heirloom.

'This brooch was your grandmother's engagement present,' said Nicholas proudly remembering his mother.

She hugged him saying, 'Thanks, papa.'

Next, she opened Amelia's gift, a pretty bonnet.

She then opened Emma's gift, they were embroidered ribbons in all colours.

'Wow! these look lovely,' said Amanda.

'This pattern looks unique, where did you buy this Lady Advent?' enquired one of Amanda's friends. They took out all the ribbons and examined them.

'She made them herself,' chimed Amy.

'Wow, you are so lucky. Your mama made your birthday cake and gift herself. Wish my mama would do the same for me.'

'Me too,' chimed another girl.

'Thanks...' Amanda hugged Emma, and tentatively added, 'mama'.

Tears trickled from Emma's eyes as she hugged her back. Amanda released her and joined her friends in opening the rest of the gifts.

Amy tugged at her sleeve. Emma bent down as Amy whispered, 'Can I also call you mama?'

Emma nodded, not trusting her voice. She was so overcome by emotion as she hugged Amy. No one noticed as Amelia left for her room angered by this exchange.

With love EmmaWhere stories live. Discover now