07. School Sucks & Rizzler

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"Murder is still currently illegal, right?" Calvin announces as he walks into the kitchen in his unkempt private school uniform.

It was early morning, and he didn't appreciate being woken up with ice-cold water in his face. So, he's making sure it's not illegal to murder Rocco.

"Always was and will always be," answers Armando as he sips his black coffee.

He groans and bangs his face on the counter.

Calvin didn't like the thought of going to prison for first-degree murder. He wasn't prison material, more of a Sugar Mama's baby material.

"If I was president, I'd make murdering cishet white men legal."

Beatrice snickers before moving his hair and kissing Calvin's forehead, "Rocco did something to you?".

Calvin gives Beatrice a 'what do you think' look before blowing out a breath of air.

"Remember, you're on punishment, so once you come home, you must report to my office and help me with my work," Armando's tone almost makes Calvin shiver.

"I don't see why you're so mad."

"I repeatedly told you to not get a septum piercing, but you instead decided to defy my rules and get it anyways."

Calvin shrugs, "Well, at least it looks good on me."

Beatrice almost spits her tea in laughter at Calvin's sassy replies and decides to intervene before he gets even more in trouble.

"You need to tidy up your uniform, baby," she walks over to Calvin, trying to fix his clothes. "And these curls, too."

He starts whining as Beatrice tries to fix his messy dark curls.

"The girls love my messy curls," he pushes Beatrice's hand away.

"The girls aren't on Calvin's mind as he's going to stay focused on his schoolwork," comments Armando.

Calvin rolls his eyes and lets Beatrice fix his white button-down shirt and violet-striped tie.

"A presentable boy is a nice boy," she mutters, and Calvin chuckles.

"Who said that?".

Beatrice's infamous bittersweet smile stretches across her face.

"My mother. She always repeated that to me, even after I came out as her daughter."

Calvin smiled sympathetically at the older woman, "Transphobic mothers, right? Monique always told me that no man would make me his wife if I kept calling myself a boy."

Beatrice giggles while shaking her head at the audacity of transphobic parents.

She looks the little boy in the eye, "You'll make a great husband one day."

Calvin could feel the tears rising in his eyes. He never thought he'd hear those words be said to him.

"We're back!" a deep, masculine voice calls out.

This pulls Calvin away from breaking down at 6 am and to the wonder of who that voice belonged to.

"Oh, Lucifer," Armando puts his head on his hand, taking a deep breath.

He looks at Calvin, inwardly grimacing, feeling bad for the torture the little boy would experience.

Calvin gave Armando a weird look as he just kept staring at him with no expression.

"Let's go meet our adopted grandparents."

"W-what?" Calvin looks confused, but Armando just solemnly pushes him to the corridor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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