06. My Dream Career & Big Sister

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Sorry for any badly done grammar or spelling, I'm doing this on my phone and Grammarly isn't helping me out 😭

"Why can't we take him shopping?" asks Andrea.

Beatrice looks up from her phone and stares at him with no emotion showing.

"You're a bunch of idiots, that's why," Grey says while munching on Cheetos puffs.

"Rude, much," huffs Hugo.

Grey loved the Russo family but was brutally honest with every single one of them. Including Armando.

They had much respect for Armando since he allowed them to work for the Russo family despite their controversial past jobs and Grey still being part of the Mexican Mafia. But, that doesn't mean he's excused from Grey's blunt mouth.

"I think we're all responsible boys who can look after our younger brother and cousin," Niccolo reasons with them.

Beatrice look conflicted about trusting the boys. Just them and Calvin didn't seem like a great idea. At all.

"Please! I want to spend time with them," Calvin pleads.

He did want to spend time with his brothers and cousins.

But mainly he had to ask Armando if he could get a septum piercing and he said "You can get it when you're sixteen years old," so Niccolo told Calvin that he'll take him to his piercer without Armando knowing.

Calvin wasn't going to wait four years to get a piercing. He wanted it now.

Beatrice sighs, "Fine, you can go-" Calvin cheers, "But, you must not do anything Armando would ground you for, ok?".

Calvin smiles sheepishly. His fingers crossed behind his back as he said "I would never."


"You ready, little man?" the tattooed man says as he sanitized Calvin's septum with alcohol.

"Yeah," he spoke with nervousness.

This was going to be his first piercing and he wasn't sure how it would feel. He didn't think this through, did he?

But, there was no going back for him. He wasn't going to be a pussy and back out now.

Rocco secretly had his phone recording Calvin and wanted to see if he would cry so he could show this to any of the little girlfriends he'd bring home.

The Russos were bad boy players, so Calvin would be one too. That was common sense in his eyes.

"Armando is going to kill us," Andrea sings. Niccolo shrugs his shoulders at his brother, "Okay and?".

Andrea sighs and shakes their head before looking at the jewelry in the glass display.

"I should get a belly piercing," Andrea picks up their shirt, looking at their belly button.

"It'll look beautiful on you," a voice whispers from behind Andrea.

"AH!" they bang against the glass window, getting the attention of everyone in the shop.

Andrea's face flares up as they see everyone watching the interaction and they push their secret boyfriend on the shoulder.

"Really, Marvin?". The biracial teen boy smirks before taking a step back.

He looks around before whispering, "How's my girl doing?".

Andrea's face flared up and they gave him a small smile.

"I'm okay. I am just thinking about how Armando is going to murder us when we get home," Andrea jesters to Calvin.

CALVIN: Russo Crime Family Series #1Where stories live. Discover now