Chapter 97- Major General Zhan's woman

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“Hello, Mr. Mu, I am Rong Xue’s mother.” Rong mother’s face looked kind, the tone and looked full of apology, and when she step forward, she explained herself: “I am apologizing to Mr. Mu for my daughter Rong Xue.”

She pulled Rong Xue out from behind her: “What the child did in the grain depot, after returning, she told us and we can’t agree with her unethical behavior. Therefore, I wanted to find an opportunity to apologize to Mr. Mu, but I was stopped by The General. We could not see Mr. Mu, nor ask about Mr. Mu situation, now that Mr. Mu is well, we are more at ease.”

Rong mother turned to look at Rong Xue: “Rong Xue, you go and apologize to Mr. Mu.”

Rong Xue’s face flashed with a touch if reluctance, but soon it was replaced by a look of apology: “Mr. Mu, I was really sorry that day. At that time, I was so frightened that led to me doing such a thing without humanity. I also hope that Mr. Mu can forgive. . ”

After she said that the mother quickly added. “Mr. Mu, my daughter is not sensible, after came back after that day, she had nightmares every day, and she has become very penitent and have done things that conscience was condemned, so, please Mr. Mu I hope you can be able to forgive her.”

Mu Yi Fan seeing that the mother kept apologizing for Rong Xue’s behavior, she couldn’t help it. “I’m sorry, please forgive me for not accepting your apology.”

At the beginning, because he came to this strange world, so Rong Xue’s face which looked like his sister, there is a little comfort in his heart, at least there was no stranger in this world.

Therefore, he had sympathy for Rong Xue, and even could not bear to see a person who looked like a sister is hurt.

However, after going through the grain depot, he felt that the other side was only like an alien wearing his sister’s skin, and his personality was not the same. The former comfort was just him deceiving himself.

Moreover, The Female Protagonist in the book is leaked by him, and he will not know what kind of personality she has.

Rong Xue apologizes to him now, it is just like a compromise, and when the situation is good for her, the girl will relapse to her evil ways.

Rong Xue yelled: “I apologize, why don’t you accept it? Not to mention that you have not been bitten, you…”

“Rong Xue!” Rong mother immediately upped her voice to stop her from continuing.

Rong Yan has been completely speechless next to her sister. If the other party is her sister, she really does not want to walk with her.

Rong Xue sighed and bitterly bite his lower lip.

Mu Yi Fan said coldly: “Miss Rong Xue, you are not apologizing, others people will accept it. If I was bitten into a zombie at the time, how will you apologize? Do you want to run and apologize to someone who had become a zombie? ”

Rong Xue was waiting for him to say anything.

Rong mother knows that Rong Xue’s behavior is hard to be forgiven, and she is too embarrassed to stay aside. She put only a few fruits from her hand into Zheng Guo Zong’s hands and left with her two daughters.

Zheng Guo Zong looked at a few apples in his hand and asked: “What happened to the woman named Rong Xue?”

Mu Yi Fan sighed and said simply: “When I was in the grain depot, I and Rong Xue were chased by zombies and when we running but I did not expect that, in order to increase her chances, she pushed me to the side of zombies.”

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