Chapter 165- Made Laozi fly his plane

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“Around five o’clock in the afternoon,” the soldier answered.

Mu Yi Fan frowned.

Sure enough, the man in the suit was Duan Yuan Hong, a friend of Mu Yi Hang, a researcher at the National Academy of Sciences.

That is to say, Zhao Yi Xuan and Mu Yi Hang have suspected that he is a zombie, and now they just need to find out the evidence.

However, he is not like Mu Yi Hang in the novel. At that time, the original body owner would be found because his nails were still black, and he would be immediately exposed by Zhao Yi Xuan.

Now he is similar to ordinary people, and it’s not easy to reveal his identity. So what he has to do now is to improve his abilities and think about how to deal with Zhao Yi Xuan and Mu Yi Hang after he improves his abilities.

Mu Yi Fan returned to the room with his child in his arms, locked the door, and then, as he removed more than 100 stones from his backpack, asked, “Qing Tian, do you know Zhan Nan Tian is a zombie?”

“Zhan Nan Tian is a zombie?” The other big, beautiful eyes looked at Mu Yi Fan.

Mu Yi Fan looked at him incredibly and wondered, “Don’t you know? When you were in my stomach, that is, when you were in G City, I met him once at the gate of the villa area. His face and lips were very pale at that time. Moreover, his inner eyes had red coils and his nails were black, which indicated that he was a zombie, but he was self-conscious zombie and could control his hunger, so he could not bite people. I guess he might have become a senior zombie. Unfortunately, I didn’t know he was Zhan Nan Tian at that time. “

Mu Qing Tian explained: “When I was in your stomach, in order to get into shape as soon as possible, I often slept to save my spiritual power, so I didn’t see Zhan Nan Tian. But how could he become a zombie? Or before the end of the world, he had become a high-ranking zombie. It’s amazing. “

“Indeed, when I met him the other day, I found that he was stronger than me. When you meet him in The Zhan Family later, you should try to avoid him and not be alone with him so as not to be hurt by him.” Mu Yi Fan felt that Zhan Nan Tian was not a good man, otherwise, he would not remind Mu Qing Tian.

Mu Qing Tian hesitated and nodded.

Mu Yi Fan sat down on the bed: “Now I’m going to absorb the crystal core energy. Please keep the door close for me. If someone calls me for a meal, you say I need to rest and let them bring it up for us to eat.”


Mu Yi Fan smiled and kissed him on his little face. Then he used the method Zhan Bei Tian taught him how to suck the crystals into his body.

The number of crystals is a little large, and after the energy is absorbed into the body, the energy is slowly digested and converted into its own strength, so it takes a long time.

Just as Mu Yi Fan struggled to absorb energy for the upgrade, Zhan Bei Tian drove to the vicinity of the northwest military factory.

Because he is a thunder lighting powered person, so his speed is relatively fast, as long as he encounters the mutation of animals and plants in a hurry, he freezes the other side directly with the ice system power, and then quickens the speed to leave. So, when he came near the military factory, it only took one day and one night.

Zhan Bei Tian stopped his car at the gate and walked in on his own in order not to disturb the high-ranking zombies in the military factory.

When he saw the zombies coming to him, he immediately used the ice power to freeze all the zombies outside the workshop. Without the attack of these zombies, he quickly reached outside the workshop door.

The Number One Zombie Wife [BL]- Book 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ