5. Friendship

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A/n pov~

As said, you got ready for your interview. You didn't tell Hoseok about the loss of your previous job as you were afraid that he will judge, not knowing he already knows.

It was the first day, so you want to make a good impression. You wore a formal dress. It was a dark green women's tuxedo with white shirt. You got ready and did a light makeup, as you were not a fan of makeup.

As you are already naturally beautiful, who doesn't need to do tons of makeup to show the world a perfect plastic face, you like to be the way you are

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As you are already naturally beautiful, who doesn't need to do tons of makeup to show the world a perfect plastic face, you like to be the way you are.

After getting ready you went out of your room. You went down just to see that Hoseok was already ready waiting for you in the drawing room. He noticed your presence and turned around.

For some seconds his eyes go wide. "You look pretty." He said smiling, making your cheeks go red. You don't know what it is, is it an attraction or something, but whenever he compliments you, your cheeks go red itself.

You don't know what effect he has on you. "Ghaja(let's go)" He said. But you looked at him in confusion. "We haven't had our breakfast yet." You said. "We are getting late and I have a meeting in the morning today, we will have it while going." He said.

You nodded and went with him. You both sat in his car. "You told me that I have two Interviews, but didn't tell me the placements...I mean..." "art director and fashion designer." He cut you off while driving with the signature angelic smile on his face.

"Art director...." You asked. "Jimin told me, you were way more good a fashion designer but you were once an art director too for a year." He said.

You nodded. "Yeah, but I still prefer fashion designing more, as I want to pursue my career on it only." He looked at you and smiled.

He stopped his car in front of the small Cafe and went out, leaving you in the car. After some time he came. He gave you the package. You first looked at him then opened the package, it was banana milk with sandwiches.

"Breakfast." He smiled and started the car. "And yeah ik, but I still want you to try again for art director. Our previous art director expired, so the place is vacant, it's still on interview. Let's see. There are many." He said.

You looked down. You took out the sandwich and started to eat. You looked at his side while he was driving. 'Even he didn't eat his breakfast.' You thought.

You took out another sandwich and passed it to him. "Here." "Umm...y/n can you feed me...as you know..." he smiled and pointed towards himself as he was driving.

You felt a little awkward, as you never did these kinds of things. You slowly forward the sandwich towards his face and he took the bite. Meanwhile you also took your bite from your sandwich.

This kept on going and he also ate. It was his last bite. You moved forward to him as he took it, but suddenly you felt his soft lips touching your finger, making you gasp.

You immediately back off your hand.

You were going to reach his building..."Stop" you said, making him stop the car immediately. Both of your bodies moved forwards becoz of the sudden jerk.

"What happened? " He looked at you. "Does your company employee know that you are married?" You asked. He shook his head. "Not yet, but I will tell them today." He smiled.

You looked down and bit your lower lips. "C-can't we...you know...keep this a secret." You said the last word in a whisper.

"Huh!" "Can't we keep it a secret? I don't want fake people around me. If they come to know that I am the CEO's wife, then they will start to treat me differently, which I don't want." You looked at him with your doe eyes.

"You want our marriage to be a secret?" You nodded in tiny, looking down. "It's ok y/n I understand. We will keep it a secret. When you will be comfortable, we will reveal it." He said.

You looked at him. "Anyways, as you told jimin that you want to work on this marriage, let's start slowly. What about being friends?" He asked, forwarding his right hand in front of you.

You smiled and shook your hand with him. "Sure." "Thank You Mrs. Jung." He said teasingly, making you blush.

"Don't worry no one will know about this marriage except one person." You looked at him in confusion. "Jackson." He said. Then you remember, he told you that Jackson worked with him.

He was going to start the car when you again stopped by holding his hand. Soon it hits you, making your eyes wide as you take off your hand. Hoseok chuckled at your cuteness.

"Umm...as we are not married for them...so I guess I should leave here only as I don't want your employees to see us together..." you said. He smiled and nodded.

You smiled and were going out when he stopped you. You looked back at him in confusion, when he came close to your face. He put his hand on your cheeks. You were confused, at the same time shocked. Your heart was beating at the speed of light.

He softly put his thumb on the side of your lips, rubbing it. Then he showed you the cream, which was from the sandwich you were eating before. Your eyes go wide.

"First impression is the last impression wifey." He whispered on your face, smirking. Your breath hitched at this move of him.

You didn't think much and Immediately went out. The building was not far away, so you crossed the road and ran inside.

Hoseok chuckled at this and licked his thumb which he rubbed to take off the cream from your face.

Whereas, your interview started. At the first interview, Hoseok was not present but at your second interview he was there making you a bit nervous.

"So miss y/n your academics and experience are all good, even we came to know that you were one of the best designers, but can we know the reason why you got fired?" The interviewer asked.

This was the last thing you wanted in front of your husband. You became nervous. Hoseok could feel your nervousness after this question. He knew about your previous boss, as he had already investigated your past job.

"Ig we need expertise and experience and not these types of questions right...miss lim." He asked. She didn't say anything further.

You gulped. "My new boss was not on good terms with me, otherwise, there is no such specific reason." You replied confidently. Miss Lim nodded.

There were two more people with you for the interview. The interviewer asked many questions from you three (y/n and two more candidates). You were able to give answers but you felt like those two girls were much faster than you.

As they were giving answers faster than you. "So the interview ends here. You can go, we will tell you the results soon." Interviewer said. You all bowed and went out.

To be continued.....

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