Chapter 4

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Amara walks beside Sina, the beautiful redhead is bubbly and kind. She can't be much older than Amara herself and the brunette quietly hopes they can become friends so the new environment can stop feeling so big and daunting. "I know it is so much to take in but I can totally help any time you need it. Maybe I can give you guys a tour later? I'm sure you just wanna chill for now" she proposes, a hint of anxious energy giving away her own possible social awkwardness.

"Sure, that would be great! It'll get me away from the geezers if we can sneak off" Amara stage whispers the last part much to her parent's guffawing. They pounce, tickling and poking at Amara until their daughter is laughing so hard she can't breathe. "Help me Sina!" she pleads between laughs and holds a hand out to the redhead who is also laughing but manages to latch on and pull.

"Nah uh, little cub. First, you must concede and retract your defamatory statement" Ulrik tuts and Elsie joins in by offering her own evil grin and threateningly bringing her fingers closer to Amara's side.

"Okay okay! I give. You are both youthful and fun" she grumbles and rolls her eyes but a fond smile breaks through as she flings herself away from her parent's torture and wraps the taller girl in a hug, shifting them so Sina stands between her and the couple. Is she using Sina as a shield? Yes, Yes she is. Does she feel bad about it? Not one bit.

"Now that the great tickle war has ended, we have arrived" Sina teases and the girls are no longer hugging but they do have their arms linked. "This wing is mostly empty but it is right beside the section that houses the Alpha and those closest to him so you can rest easy. Not that any other place is unsafe! but it's probably extra peace of mind, you know?" the girl rushes to explain but Amara waves it off and smiles kindly.

"Thanks for showing us the way red. You're alright. Feel free to kidnap the brat whenever you want" Elsie offers then spins around and saunters into the room, Rik rolls his eyes fondly and nods his thanks before following. Amara sighs and shakes her head at her mother's dry sense of humor and blunt wording but she can't help but love the aggressive woman.

"Sorry about them. It really was nice of you. Maybe we can hang out some time? No actual kidnapping required" Amara proposes and Sina laughs before eagerly agreeing. The sound is melodic and soft. With the redhead taking her leave, Amara is free to go look around their new rooms. For the moment at least.

The room is more like a full suite. They have a spacious common area and a small kitchen. Two separate rooms branch off from either side of the common area which holds a plush leather couch and armchair, dark wood furnishings, and a top of the line television over a brick fireplace. There are soft blankets deliberately draped over the armchair and the back of the couch as well as extras in a basket beside the fireplace.

Popping into the empty bedroom, there is a door that leads into a walk-in closet and the other goes to the en-suite. The shower has a huge rainfall showerhead and dark tiles to match the dark granite countertops. The tub sits separately and has a squared-off modern design that could easily fit four people. There are toiletries and towels in the small closet next to the tub. Everything is simple but luxurious.

A part of Amara feels weird about staying there. They had always lived in decent places before moving on to the next place but never anything quite like the pack house. She shoves away the discomfort and takes her time unpacking before falling into the bed. An involuntary groan leaves the brunette when her body sinks into the plush mattress and she never wants to get up. Lifting her head slightly, the clock shows there are a few hours until dinner so she chucks off her shoes and jacket then rolls so the covers wrap around her like a burrito and she is out like a light.

She is standing in the middle of a dark dense forest.

Morning dew still clinging to the leaves, moistening her skin as she touches the tiny droplets.

Destiny Untold - Fated Mates series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now