Chapter 44

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This day had been non-stop for Maddox. From the moment he woke up in Amara's room, he had to get going. Leaving her side was difficult but he had a duty to carry out that could
not be put off, especially if they all wanted to be free early to enjoy the celebration. In a perfect world, he would have stayed by her side until she awoke but that's life until the bullshit with the ulfhednar is handled and put to rest.

This is not a perfect world and the longer he put off the necessary meetings the more danger everyone is put in. This is now beyond just their packs well being. This will involve their race as a whole if they don't get ahead of it.

From discussing every possible detail Min, Carter, and Kane had gleaned, to back-to-back talks with council members, he hardly got a moment to breathe. This was serious and it was being given the highest priority level. Senior council members would be deployed soon to come there.

Aside from that, all the Alphas of every major pack would be alerted. They had to cast an information net as wide as possible. The more they know the better position they will be in. They can not risk being caught off guard in this situation, there are too many who could get hurt or killed.

Despite all of that, he feels the excitement in the air, the pack ready to celebrate. The large ballroom is being used and so many are filing in. From what he was told by his ma, Sina had helped her and Elsie with the last of the preparations along with Kaede and Alesha. They seem to have formed a tight nit little group.

Walking into the ballroom full of anticipation in a crisp black three-piece suit, he is pleasantly surprised. All of them had done an amazing job but what he wants is the guest of honor herself. Looking around he realizes the trio isn't there yet. That wouldn't be odd considering they may all be getting dressed together and come out with Amara but not seeing Amara's parents there either seems strange.

"Something is wrong" Carter whispers to Maddox having just walked into the ballroom. "What do you mean?" he questions already striding out into the main area of the house. "I saw Sina looking upset while running up the stairs that lead to Amara's bedroom" Carter follows along and they sprint up the steps.

A sense of panic starts to rise as he brings his wolf to the surface so he can heighten his senses further to seek out Amara's presence. Her scent is fading and he can't find her at all. They run into Alesha and the usually composed Ale looks frazzled and just points them up.

Maddox takes two stairs at a time and barges into the bedroom where Amara's parents are standing with Elsie on the phone speaking rapidly. Ulrik approaches and his next words confirm his fear. "Amara is missing. The last time anyone spoke to her was hours ago. Lyam is also missing. Sina, Scottie, and Kaede are searching outside and we've covered the inside. Elsie is letting Fia know but no one can contact Lyam either" the despair in his voice is tangible although he tries to hide it but Maddox can't offer any comfort.

At that moment it is taking every ounce of self-restraint he has to keep his wolf in check. If he loses control the savage rage his wolf is emitting will make them a danger to anyone close by. Not only is his mate missing but so is his baby brother. Wordlessly, he walks out and starts stalking towards his office with Carter and now Min on his heel.

Busting into his office breathing heavily he paces up and down trying to rein himself in but the various possibilities of what may have happened to them push him closer and closer to the edge. "We do not know what is going on. Staying calm is the best way to figure this out and make sure Amara and Lyam get back safe" Carter tries to reason.

The anger starts to bubble over and he needs to release it somehow before it becomes unmanageable. With a soul-shaking growl, Maddox destroys his office. Throwing, breaking, and smashing whatever he can until he slumps over with his hands on his knees.

Righting himself, recovering his equilibrium, he breathes out and straightens his clothing. Sharing a look with the ever calm Carter they are in full agreement. Now that his head is clear they will track down Amara and Ly. If they find the pair was taken or hurt he will kill whoever did it. Slowly and painfully, they will pay for laying a finger on his family. He swears it to whatever gods may exist. They will not escape his wrath.

Suddenly, the door bursts open and Scottie is there, suit disheveled and stained with what looks like blood on the lapel. He is panting, sweat on his brow making it obvious he ran all the way there. "We found Lyam," he says gravely, missing all of his usual lighthearted humor. The older men ready themselves and head out.

Destiny Untold - Fated Mates series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now