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Since I was a kid, I've never had an easy life. I was born in the slums without any parents to look after me. I was particularly unlucky. I had to handle the difficulties in the slum on my own as a small kid with no help. I saw many gruesome things while growing up in the slums, including rape, assault, abuse, and drug selling.

She began training day and night after learning at a young age that only the strong would survive in the slums, and eventually rose up the ranks after joining one of the largest gangs in the area. She saw girls her age hanging out with their boyfriends and friends as she walked home from missions, but she didn't have time for that.

When she turned eighteen, the gang let her go, and she began working as a freelance bodyguard. By sheer luck, a pretty wealthy family hired her because their cherished daughter liked her. Emily liked her a lot and would often follow her around calling her jiejie.

She first learned about fashion and style when she was twenty and immediately fell in love with both. She enjoyed making things look beautiful as well as looking beautiful herself. She resigned from her position as a bodyguard to focus on fashion and style.

Nobody knew reality better than her because she spent eighteen years of her life living in the slums. She was aware that her efforts and hard work would fall short in the cutthroat and dishonest industry of fashion. She may work on a piece for hours but must hand it over to a more well-known artist.

She was far from a saint, she ended up making some sacrifices in order to eventually receive the attention she was now receiving. Sometimes she had to trick individuals, and other times she had to use the back door methods. While she was by no means proud of what she was doing, she was proud of herself for not endangering innocent people in her quest for fame.

The day she would be recognized as an artist, fashion designer, and stylist finally arrived when she was twenty-two years old. This was the first time she felt such joy, even though she looked like a panda with eye bags and dark circles under his eyes and felt like she's been hit by a truck, this was the first time she felt so elated. She was finally going to achieve her goals.

However, fate wasn't on her side as she was currently experiencing a heart attack on the floor as a result of working too much. No one could assist her because she was alone. She tapped the small screen button because she realized she was running out of time. She never anticipated having to click the button so soon.

She was aware of her artistic aptitude and didn't exaggerate when she said she was a fashion genius. She, therefore, devised this strategy out of caution. She installed a widget on her phone that would instantly release her death and her designs to the public because she was aware that death might sometimes strike without warning. This way, people would know that she was the one who created them. She came up with this scheme since she knew how dishonest the fashion world was and how easily they would steal unreleased designs from the dead.

As her breathing became increasingly more difficult and she began to feel as though someone was crushing her, she suddenly saw her entire life flash before her eyes: she watched myself training, bleeding, sprinting, sobbing, and struggling to survive, never once displaying a true smile, never once bonding, and never once loving,

Is this how she's been living for the last 22 years? She never had a family, boyfriend, or friends. She drove everyone who cared away from her, so she had no one to rely on for her whole life but herself. Her biggest regret is that she slowly closed off and shut down her heart in order to distance herself from others. She pushed Emily, the daughter of the wealthy family who hired her, and Shaoxi, a fellow gangster with many connections who tried to help her, away from me, because she was afraid of getting hurt. Those were the people who genuinely cared for her, who tried to give the love she was unable to receive as a child, and perhaps the only people who genuinely knew just how broken she was. This was not fair! She wanted another chance. She wanted to love, to be loved. She wanted friendship. She wanted romance. She didn't choose to be miserable! nor did she choose to be this broken! so how can they take her life away when she was on the brink of happiness? With that, she tried to struggle a few times, but death ultimately won in the end. Her body laid lifeless on the flow, her face tear-stained.

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