I Don't See Why Not?

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Immediately after her words, the crowd went into a frenzy. They knew Liu Yunqing was pretty because she was even once chosen as the school flower, but she did gain some extra pounds. Though the weight gain didn't hide her beauty, the horrible acne did. Plus while she was going through all these her half-sister showed up so they completely forgot about her once beautiful appearance. And it even seems like she got even prettier, plus her simple yet elegant style of dressing made her features stand out even more.

"Are you Liu Yunqing? Please allow me to ask you a few questions." Out of the throng of reporters, a tiny female wearing dark-rimmed spectacles questioned. She wore a black and white outfit, had short, dark hair, and adorable freckles all over her face. She consented since she appeared more trustworthy than other reporters.

"Sure," Liu Yunqing responded.

"Well, you merely left a message that you were taking a break and then you vanished for two whole years. Please let us know why you took such a long hiatus." The girl kindly enquired.

"Although this topic is somewhat private, there were several events in my life that I simply felt were too much, you know? Similar to an engine, at first it operates without a hitch, but if it runs too hard, it overheats and shuts down. I made the decision to take a break before I could shut down." Liu Yunqing p atiently explained. Few people were aware of her suicide scandal since it was kept under wraps, and even those who were aware of it believed it to be fabricated thanks to her mother.

"A lot of people have criticized you for hurting your sister due of your ex-fiance online; what are your thoughts on this?" This time the girl was more direct in this question, yet her eyes were unclouded. Unlike the other reporters who were eager to ruin her. She seemed eager to give her another chance and repair her reputation. Liu Yunqing grinned as she observed the adorable young girl strive so hard. Some honorable people could still be found in this world. The query caused Liu Yaoyan and Alexander Wang to be frozen. Then, Alexander Wang turned around and gave Liu Yunqing a scornful look.

"Well, first of all, I don't have a sister named Lui Yaoyan. The only sister I have is named Hou Lijuan. But to answer your question, I don't care about their relationship now. And for the people giving me hate because of this couple were you there when it happened? When did you see me bully her? I was mad and mean to her but I never hurt her. For the people hating on me would you accept your fiance since childhood cheating on you? I'm not some empress with a big heart that would accept concubines and my husband's harem. I'm but a girl that was born in the modern world where monogamy is the standard. So did you expect me to just accept the fact that my fiance was cheating on me? And if Liu Yaoyan was truly as good as you guys made her be she would've come to me and told me about her feelings towards my fiance and we would've found a solution. If Alexander Wang was truly as good as you guys made him out to be he would've come to me to talk about his feelings. I was not mad about the fact that he loved somebody else, I was mad that he didn't have the balls to tell me so." Lui Yunqing illustrated, ignoring everybody's gaze.

Everyone was shocked, especially the specified couple. Yes, everything she claimed was accurate. Who could stand such humiliation, woman or a man. And why didn't Yaoyan talk to her sister about her feelings if she was as kind as she was portrayed to be? What about Alexander, then? Why did he choose to cheat rather than express his thoughts to Yunqing? Alexander was taken aback. He had anticipated a temper fit from her, but instead, she patiently explained everything and proved that she was correct. He was at fault in this situation. 

"Could you please elaborate more?" The little reporter asked. YUnwing smiled helplessly. This fan really didn't want to let go of this matter.

"Of course. I have been engaged to Alexander for fourteen years before the engagement was canceled. He fell for a girl that he knew for less than six months. I was hurt by this not gonna lie, for him to fall for somebody he knew for less than six months, while he never even showed me a smile during our engagement, but love is love you know, and the heart's beat for whom it wants to beat. But was it really that hard to pull me aside and tell me that you've found the one you loved? Even if he didn't love me, but being by his side for fourteen years I thought I was at least a friend. I mean if he did tell me he loved somebody other than me, I would probably throw a tantrum, get mad, cry, and yell, but in the end, I would come to accept reality. But for you to not tell me anything and expect me to accept was some bullshit I was never going to take. And then when I was at my lowest he came to break the engagement. Now how did you expect me to react to that?" Liu Yunqing said with a smile on her face.

It really is genuine what she said. Even though the original Yunqing was spoiled and haughty, she loved Alexander too much to prevent him from being happy with the person he loved, even if that person happened to be her half-sister, whom she loathed to her very core. But Alexander Wang was just considering his own happiness, not how to avoid hurting everyone else. He and Yaoyan both focused solely on how they could be happy rather than on how they could prevent harming those around them, and anytime someone confronted them about it, they would make the ridiculous defense that "love is love."

"Well, what about you? How are the relationships in your life going currently?" The little reported inquired.

"Well, my relationship with my family is at the very healthiest. I have a wonderful sibling, a supportive mother, devoted father, and my grandparent's health is excellent. I'm romantically interested in someone, but for the time being, we're simply friends, and I wouldn't trade my two fantastic best friends for anything in the world." Liu Yunqing replied by grinning widely. She appeared to be doing quite well.

"What about your life as an influencer? Will you continue it?" The little reporter asked, her eyes sparkling.

"Since there is no good reason to quit, I might as well go on. Additionally, my followers have shown me unwavering support, and I don't want to let them down." As she put back on her sunglasses and headed toward her family, she spoke.

Hello lovelies! Here's an update.

Question of the day?

What's you favorite animal?

Yours Truly: I'm A Villainess So What? (On Hold)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt