Peaceful Not

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The rest of the hangout finished well. Yunqing couldn't resist and took some pictures with Weisheng but she didn't post them. After saying goodbye to each other, Yunqing made her way to her car and made her way home. When she got home she was the only one there so she went to her room and started pairing the clothes she would wear to school.

Today was Friday and her school would start on Monday, which meant she had two days to prepare the things she need for school. She had already bought all she needed but she needed to pair and match them up. So she spent the whole afternoon doing so. She was a girl who really care about styling so she would match up all her clothes in advance.

When she finally finished it was late afternoon, so she went downstairs to eat. Hou Liwei and Lijuan just got here so they went to their rooms to clean themselves up. Her mom would be here in five minutes. So she just sat at the table to wait for them. 

After about ten minutes everybody was at the table so she started eating. Today they were having shrimp fried rice, miso soup, stir-fried veggies, and steak. The whole family was eating peacefully before Lijuan dropped a bomb.

"Sister, there's an article about you and the first son of the Hao family. Is something going on with you guys?" Lijuan asked as she scrolled through her phone.  

"Hao Weisheng? You are in touch with Hao Weisheng?" Liang Jingyu asked, the surprise in her tone evident.

"Well, we've been online friends for quite a while and decided to meet up today, and I guess the paparazzi caught us," Yunqing explained as she continued to eat.

"So you guys are just friends?" Liang Jingyu asked curiously.

"Yes, for now," Yunqing said as she smirked, making the whole family laugh. 

For the next two days, the atmosphere in the house was very light. Yunqing tried to hang out with Weisheng as much as possible during the weekend. More tabloids and articles were published about the two but they could barely care. They even became one of the top three trending topics.

Yunqing thought that her last weekend before school would end like this but she was of course not that fortunate. On Sunday when she came home from the hangout with Weisheng she learned that her auntie, Wu Huiling, the wife of her uncle, Liu Yanling head of the second branch of the Liu family, was organizing a garden party and invented her.

At first, she wanted to reject but as an heiress, there are some things that would be inappropriate to do. For example, it was impolite to decline this invitation because her aunt who is her elder came all the way down here to invite her herself. So declining this invitation would look like a slap to her face.

Yunqing after hearing the news called Weisheng and asked if he wanted to be her date. Hao Weisheng was more than happy to do so. After Yunqing got ready she made her way to her white Audi and then went to pick up Weisheng to heat to the garden party. After picking up Weisheng she made her way to the party.

In fifteen minutes they arrived at the garden party and made their way through the crown to find Yunqing's aunt. As they were walking together there were a lot of whispers amongst that crowd. Yaoyan came here with Alexander, which was very natural for them but they never thought Yunqing could come with somebody else. 

"Hello Aunt Huiling," Yunqing greeted.

"Hi, Yunqing! You're here I thought you wouldn't come!" Aunt Huiling said as she smushed Yunqing into a hug.

Though Liu JaoLing was the only son of the Liu family, grandma Liu had adopted a boy back then. The bay they adopted became the second branch of the Liu family. The Liu family had always treated him like a young master and the Liu parents loved him like a son, and with their actual son being a good for nothing they came to love him even more.

He met Wu Huiling in college when she was just a broke college student with big dreams. When he announced the fact that he wanted to date her they were supportive but that didn't stop the fact that some people still went online to drag him. 

Yanling of course did not listen to them and dated Huiling. Huiling had always been interested in aromatherapy, and thus developed some of the best scents in the world. Currently, her aromatherapy business stood at the top in china and some other countries. 

She gave birth to three sons and had no daughters the things she always wanted. So when Liang Jingyu finally had a daughter she took her as her own to raise. She spoiled Yunqing to no end. The brothers also ended up loving their baby cousin and did everything to protect her. That's why when she saw her she crushed her so much in that hug.

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