Chapter 7

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After sending Damian a reply she got back to work on her design. It was going to be black with a daisy and maybe a daisy flying around it, like the one she had drawn for the bowler hat competition a while ago.

She even planned to make one for herself so she and Tikki could be a match. Hearing her phone ping she placed her pencil down and grabbed it, finding a text from Damian.

Your question?

Was written she thought to herself what would she ask a guy that happened to be the same age as her, she looked around and saw her cat plushie. Maybe she could ask him if he had a pet.

Do you have any pets?

After hitting send a 20% power button showed up reaching towards the side of the desk she grabbed the cord and plugged in her phone, what had she done other than text Damian and make cute hats for Tikki.

Right she had spent a lot of time this morning thinking of what to write back to Damian or if she should tell him about the Lila situation, it was probably that or she didn't plug her phone in properly.

In Gotham

Damian had come up from the cave an hour ago and had taken a shower after his long training session in the cave. Now he sat at the spinning chair by his desk with Alfred the cat sitting on his lap.

The cat had come into his room as he was about to start a new drawing, which quickly became the idea for Damian's newest drawing.

Half way through the drawing Damian had done the basic sketch and the background all he had to do now was finish the shading and he was done.

Placing down a pencil he reached for a similar colour just slightly darker as he grabbed the pencil his phone pinged.

Damian placed the pencil down and grabbed his phone. It was a text message from Marinette unlocking his phone. He read the text.

Do you have any pets?

Do you have any pet's it read, did he have any pets? Yes he did in fact he had 3. A cat, a dog and a cow. He typed out a reply and hit send. He knew she would have questions, and he didn't mind talking about them.

In Paris

Marinette's parents had come back around 20 minutes ago and were now taking care of the afternoon rush in the bakery.

Yes, a cat named Alfred, a dog named Titus and a cow named Batcow.

After reading the message Damian had sent her, she didn't have words. He had a cow along with both a cat and a dog.

Hey guys,

Is it just me or do you feel like your phone just loses charge so quickly but when you see how long you've been on it's been at least an hour. Anyway, how is the chapter? And if you have a question I could use put it in the comments I could use ideas.

Enjoy reading :)

Enjoy reading :)

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