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Chapter 1                                           
Everything Was Going Well                        

    I promised myself that I would record the facts, all the facts, and nothing but the facts of the process of my life in the "new" morbid twisting world. Being a 13 year old wasn't quite easy when everyone you've loved was gone and zombies are running for the rampage and I guess that was just my lucky life. I didn't know better than...and If I did, this would've never happened in the first place.
                            -41 year old Luna

            (Year 2042)
    I didn't expect my life to go this way, but when Hado punched my chest that was the last straw. No more "Lazy Luna Mondays." That was sad, but I guess getting beaten up by a stupid boy really triggered me that night.
"Luna! Kick his butt!" I heard my little sister, Sila, shout in the waving crowd, "Don't lose to a stupid boy!"
Hado tried punching me and I dodged then kicked him in the stomach. He flew into the ring and started crying. What a chicken. My hands inside my boxing gloves were getting sweaty and I've already been doing this for 8 years, 3 months, 2 weeks, 3 days, 2 hours, 5 minutes, and 27 seconds. 28 seconds. 29 seconds. 30 seconds. Okay, you get the point. Kick-boxing was a great life.
My whole family was in the crowd, both my parents, my older sister Ameal who's 15, my younger brother Lease who's 9, my younger sisters Sila and Misty who are twins and 6, and my baby brother Nico who's 8 months. Honestly my favorite was my pet mouse, Firefly. I had a pretty big family. I should probably introduce myself, I'm Luna Autumn May, the second born in my family. I'm 13 and have long black hair that's dark purple at the tips. I have light blue eyes and love to fight. It was my hobby since...preschool?
Hado gave up after a bloody nose incident and the depressing crowd of 15 people cheered for me. I climbed out of the ring and took my boxing gloves and mouthpiece out.
"Good job Luna, another win! That's 8 in a row!" Said my boxing coach, Mr. Moro.
"Thanks," I unbuckled my shin pads, "Practice tomorrow is from 2 to 4 right?"
"Yep, glad you moved up a level, you worked hard for that."
"Eh, it was simple."
"Well, it wasn't simple for most of the kids here, acknowledge that okay?"
"Yea yea I know. I just wish I had more of a challenge, this all kinda easy for me, you know what I mean?" I massaged my bicep.
Mr. Moro just stared at me, "Welp kid I don't know what to tell you, other than that your hard work will pay off in the end, just not to you."
"Uh, yeah, thanks." I walked away with my skull bag to find my family. "Oh!" I zoomed around, "Mr. Mor-" but he was gone, I didn't even hear his big clomping shoes hit the floor on the echoing pavement. I'm pretty sure he was a size 11. Talk about Bigfoot.
"Nice job my little warrior!" Dad said, sneaking up on me.
"Good job! You beat the boy!" Misty cheered.
"I'm starving. Can we go to Super Burrito?" Lease asked. He said that just about any day.
"No, I made chicken at home." Mom said.
"But we can have chicken tomorrow." He complained.
"Stop complaining or I'm gonna shave your head." Dad threatened. That was his threat to everything.
"I'm gonna take a nap when I get home." Ameal said.
"You take a nap all the time!" Sila yelled.
"That's because she's a moody teenager." Mom responded.
    We got in the car and began to drive home in silence. The stars were beginning to crawl up the darkening sky and everyone was tired from our long day. Work, school, boxing tournaments, swim team practice, shooting early in the morning, dance, homework, and cleaning the house. We had a busy family. I never had a break from anything. I had no idea what "relaxation" was.
    We pulled up into the driveway and we climbed out of the car. Dad came around back to open up the trunk to let Lease, Ameal, and I out of the back. We walked up the porch and into the house.
    Ameal and I shared a room while Lease and the twins were in the other. Nico and my parents had the master bedroom. Our house was small, only three bedrooms for a family of eight. We lived in Gardnerville, Nevada in Chichester. It was a small neighborhood, but all my friends lived in the same neighborhood as me, except Sasha. Sasha lived all the way in Las Vegas which was sad because we could only facetime. She also has 6 dogs!!! I guess you could call her family rich. Sasha has long light hazel hair and glasses. She's also 15, the oldest in our friend group.
    I guess I should go over my friend group. There's Ellie, she has blond hair that's usually in a ponytail and hazel eyes with brown glasses. I guess I should tell you this now: She's probably the smartest 12-year old in the world.
Then there's Joana. I guess you would call her the actual girl of the group. The rest of us are like tomboys. Joana's 13 and has a darker skin tone. Her hair is dark and curly and it makes her exploding lime eyes stand out.
Megan is the one that's probably had the most caffeine out of all of us combined...and that's saying something. She has blonde hair that's red at the tips and light blue eyes. She has freckles all over and is 12. Mia is also like her, the crazy joke one with blue eyes and blond hair that she keeps in two braids that are dyed like the sky.
Heather is the only calm one. We call her the "Mother" of the group. She has really big frizzy, curly hair that's a dark fawn color. She has dark brown eyes and is 13.
Gem is the rainbow. She has dark ocean blue hair and the tips are cherry red. Her eyes are neon turquoise and she's 12.
Last but not least is Penny. I call her neon girl. Here's why: She has bright neon green hair that's short and the side is shaved. She even has neon green eyes and is 13.
I should probably get back to the real story here. I walked into my room and dropped my bag on the floor and fed my pet mouse, Firefly. Firefly was all white with little blue eyes. Honestly the cutest mouse I've ever seen.
"Put your bag in the closet. I can't do everything for you." Ameal said, plopping into her bed and staring at Tik Toks on her glowing phone.
"Fine." I complained and threw my bag into the closet.
"What! You said put it in the closet!"
"That was a throw!"
"NO IT'S NOT!!!"
"'re not my mom...AMEALIA." She knew I didn't care when I said her full name. I went and got into the shower after that.
    Half the time in the shower I just stood there in the warm water thinking, then I went to go eat chicken. Mom put green beans on my plate and all I thought was dang it but I ate them anyway to stay healthy. Why was being healthy such a pain? The twins and Lease were screaming about the green long ropes on their plates. Nico just ate it because he didn't know what it was yet. I hope it stayed that way and he didn't turn into a brat like the rest of those little demons that mom called "My siblings."
    I walked back into my room and up the steps to my bunk bed I shared with Ameal. I started playing games on my phone, boredom reaches the peak when I play on that thing.
    After a bit everyone started spamming on the group chat as usual. I went on and started reading the messages. Everyone was sending surprised emojis and Mia saying, "Everyone evac to my house, we have a LOT of canned food, Luna bring your dad's Blazer!!!" My dad did have a Blazer from like 1980, It's the year 2042 now so It's really, really old. And yet it still works.
    I was confused until I read the very first message on there from Sasha. My eyes were huge and my bones chilled. For the first time, I was scared.

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