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5:45 pm

Finally out of the endless snow and cold, I happily inhaled the old cabin smell that warmed my insides. It smelled like wood, cinnamon, and vanilla. There were other people in the house and I looked towards the small kitchen to see a women rounding the corner. She noticed my family and I, a bright smile spreading across her delicately wrinkled face as she opened her arms. My mother hugged her first and then the lady grabbed me into a hug.

"I haven't seen you since you were... What? Eight, maybe." She squeezed me before letting me go and then moved on to my little sister. "Dave, Travis! They're here!"

A rumble of loud footsteps echoed from upstairs and I looked to the staircase to see an older man and a boy that looked my age running down them. I was caught off guard when I noticed how cute the boy was. He had messy brown hair and eyes that looked the same in a way, a shirt and sweatpants hanging off his boyish figure. I awkwardly greeted them both before my sister and I were excused to bring our luggage to our rooms. My sister didn't hesitate, but I couldn't help but stare at the handsome boy standing casually next to his dad.

When my sister and I ran back downstairs, everyone was around the dining room table. We both took our seats and Delilah, the women who was friends with my mother, started placing plates and bowls of food on the table. Everyone dug in like they hadn't eaten in years and I followed in a less savage-like manner. I kept stealing glances over at Travis and he seemed to be doing the same thing, causing me to awkwardly avert my eyes every time we made eye contact.

"Do you two remember each other at all?" Delilah asked, waving her fork between Travis and I.

I looked over at him, quickly searching my brain for any memory of the guy in front of me. "Vaguely." I shrugged and continued to eat. I was only being nice, or polite, because I really didn't remember him.

Snow Bound. | ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin