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2 days later (12:42 pm)

"You guys have been acting weird lately." Delilah whispered into my room as I threw my perfume and hairbrush into my bag. "Can I ask what happened while we were trapped at the lodge?"

"Nothing happened. If anything, we're starting to act normal." I shrugged, wishing I could push back all the stupidly happy memories. "Doesn't matter anymore."

"That's too bad, dear. I was hoping he had finally found his girl." Delilah said at the door as I kneeled down next to my luggage. My heart ached at her words as I held back all my bad feelings.

Delilah left me alone in my room and I crossed my legs under me, hiding my face in my hands. Travis and I had been avoiding and ignoring each other's presence ever since our talk. I tried not to feel anything towards him, knowing we would probably never see each other when we walked out of this cabin. We were both different and had totally different lives coming for us. I just had to forget anything ever happened.

Everyone gathered at the door, saying their goodbyes and lugging their bags to their cars afterwards. I hugged Delilah and Dave, thankful that Travis was in his room before heading to the car. I put music on as I settled into the car, putting my headphones in my ears. As I looked out my window, I noticed Travis rushing outside and staring directly at me. My heart ached all over again.

My mother started the car and drove off slowly but our eyes stayed locked. I put my hand up and gave Travis a slow wave, seeing him do the same thing. I looked away instantly, hating how much I wished we were on good terms. It would probably hurt just as much, leaving behind someone I really liked. Because no matter how we felt about each other, it wouldn't change where we were going or what we were doing. So why did it have to hurt?

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