Chapter 4

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Lottie's pov:- 

Ava just fainted but a boy caught her before she hit the floor. I don't know what  their problem was actually.

When I was going to meet ava I saw her hitting the wall and she collapsed and that's how we took her to the hospital and now we're here. I don't know why she was running actually. 

I saw Jack shooting daggers at those three boys. 

I wonder why. 

I caught the handsome boy who held ava checking me out. I felt uncomfortable under his gaze. He was pulled out of it by jack snapping his fingers . 

"Jack who were those boys ?" I asked getting curious. 

"Russo Brothers" he answered sounding annoyed. 

"What ? What happened to Ava? I mean why was she running ?" I asked. 

"You know Luke and Jason right?, the one  Ava met at the parlor the other day . Well, they have more brothers. When I saw Will I recognized them. The rest you can imagine what happened " Jack mumbles the last part feeling bad as if its because of him ava is in the hospital. 

"But what if they are good Jack ?" I asked because they seem fine than the way they are portrayed. 

"No Lottie , you don't get it. They stabbed someone as in they penetrated a knife into a guy for saying something about their long lost sister. Is it good to hurt someone? huh"  his face turned red in anger.



One thing I observed is that when he is angry he uses my full name. This time I didn't respond because I didn't want to anger him more. 

I remained silent. I thought he'll apologize if I do so. But boy was I wrong. If he didn't say sorry it means he's that pissed. 

After what seemed like an eternity ava woke up. 

Jack and I rushed to her side. 

Ava's pov:- 

I woke up with a killer headache. Uggghhh I hate the universe for doing this to me.

Do you have this feeling when you wake up to kill the person who disturbed your sleep?

Well in my case its not a person its this headache!!!!

"Ava you're awake !" jack exclaimed. 

I didn't respond because I was angry at everyone. I need time.

I trusted them. Though jack warned me , I thought they were trustworthy. But they proved me wrong. I even trusted Will whom I met hours ago. When we trust someone soo much and they prove you wrong ,you will be devastated. I know I shouldn't stay angry at Jack because what he did was right. If he didn't tell me the truth they would have fooled me.  I also know he's right but I just don't want to agree with it. 

At times we know we are wrong but we still don't agree with it right. Same here. 

But I somewhat feel connected. Its like there's this something at pulls me towards them. Its not like I have a crush on them. EWWW! I can't imagine me dating one of them. Its not like they are not handsome.cIts something else. Like a brotherly feeling. I don't know how to define it. 

Uggghh why is my life so complicated. 

Jack and Lottie understood that I need time so they left the room.

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