chapter 10

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Alex's pov

I just dropped a bomb now. I wonder how she'll digest this . Well I was not sure at first if she was my sister but then I saw that chain around her neck similar to the one we gifted our lil' sister.
When I saw her wearing that I was sure she was our lost Lil' girl. Well not lost , mum took her with her due to the attack on her birthday night.
"Wait! Are you for real? you are my brother and I have 6 more?"Ava laughed with sarcasm flowing through her words.
"Yes, luke, Jason ,Will, Blake, Dylan and Ace are your brothers too ". I smiled.

"What no! It can't be true . What if you are lying again . I can't trust you ".

"Listen ava before you run again let me make it clear. You are our lil' sister whom we were searching. And that chain which you are wearing was gifted to you by us. And I'm sure mum must have told you." Ace explained.

"Alright" she surprisingly said. I expected it to be way hard for us to make her understand.

" so that means you'll be living with us from now on!! " Luke exclaimed.

"Sorry but I have to ask my boyfriend before moving in with you " I can see her smirking. When did she have a boyfriend?

" what ? " her two friends seemed to look shocked too.

" From when did you start dating to have a boyfriend ? " jack narrowed his eyes.

"The moment you started dating Amber " she snapped.

Wowww this is getting heated.

"How did you know ? Were you stalking me ?" jack gasped.

"It was quite obvious from the beginning, you were busy all night talking to her " ava fake smiled.

Suddenly ava skipped to the nearby Cafe and jumped on a guy who was doing something on his bike . His back was facing us so we couldn't see his face.

"Hey babe " Ava greeted. The guy turned and I fumed.

It's Noah fucking Carter

"Hi baby " he smirked holding her waist to keep her steady. I'm sure I saw ava shocked. Was she acting just to show us ?

If she is she is so in trouble.

Ava's pov

Oh my God. Who the hell is he ? I thought Alex will know that I'm putting an act because I thought this guy will deny the fact me being his girlfriend. But he did the opposite. It was unexpected.

"OK, if this guy here is your boyfriend then tell me what his name is " I guess Alex kinda figured that I'm acting, because it was clear from his question that he doubted me .

"His name is N-n"

"Don't be shy soon to be Mrs Noah Carter. How can you stutter when you say such an awesome name hun." I could tell I was blushing furiously because he let out a deep chuckle.

"Babe these are my brothers . They said they want me to move in with them. What do you say? " I quickly changed the subject before they can see me blush all fifty shades of red.

I can't believe I'm doing this .

I hope this guy plays along , if he doesn't I'm so done.

"If you want to babe. " he smirked kissing my cheek. I stood frozen on my spot , I was too stunned that I didn't even realize a gasp left my lips. Earlier if I blushed all fifty shades of red then now I'm looking like a ripened tomato. 🍅

"You bastard how dare you fucking kiss my sister! I'm gonna kill you " a red-faced Aiden threw a punch at Noah which didn't land on his handsome face as it was stopped in mid-air by him.

" Not so soon Aiden. Who will take care of your sister if you kill me . Don't want her heartbroken now . Do we ? " his lips curled into an evil smile.

In between Luke interrupted them, with his silly childish questions. God only knows what's running in his brain .

"Does my lil' Noah still wet his bed ?" Luke teased. Noah glared at Luke.

" Does my lil' lukeie still fart infront of everyone and blame others for it " Noah mimicked Luke in a babyish voice and snorted.

I burst out laughing hearing that. Oh my God they are teasing rachother like they are 5 year olds.
Lottie nudged me. I completely forgot that she existed. Everyone who was passing by was gawking at me as if I grew two heads.
What? I don't have control over my emotions. And I don't try to suppress them too.

" Atleast I didn't climb over a brick to have my first kiss because the girl was taller than me " I bit my lip hard this time to prevent myself from dying of laughter.

Oh god why am I so stupid! Why did I say THIS man - child was my boyfriend. Should have just tried to escape instead of trying to convince them.

Noah was about to come with another embarrassing story of Luke.

" oh I-"

" Shut up ! I had enough of both of your silly 5 year old banter" Alex cut him off glaring at both of them, mainly directing it at Noah . Now three of them are glaring  at each other.
Aww Noah looks so cute and hot at the same time. How's that possible ?

And how on earth am I going to explain the truth about my fake boyfriend?



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