Chapter 16

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Warning Self harm!

I wake up suddenly with the sun shining on my face

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I wake up suddenly with the sun shining on my face. I slowly open my eyes. Lisa was lying on my chest, I think she was petrified of the zombie. I look where Lorenzo was, but he's not there, why isn't he here?

I slowly pull Lisa away from my chest, put on the slander and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth, after I'm done walking down the stairs.

I'm so proud of myself for pretending it was all right, but it wasn't okay, Isaac yelled at me when I called him to come to the birthday party.

Flash back

"Elora, you are so annoying, I'm here with my friends, I can't go out with my friends? You're jealous, you're afraid I'm cheating if you think so suck it up I don't care ok I'm not going there to be your pet you should know that for, you're nothing." he yelled at me through the phone call. I ran to the bathroom, closed the door and started crying.

Maybe I'm jealous, perhaps I'm the toxic one in the relationship, just a slut! Like, he's saying I'm such a useless piece of shit that everyone thinks. I open the drawer and take out a small knife. I pull up my sleeve. I have to do? You know what, yes! I deserve it.

I took the knife and started cutting myself. Every cut I do is to deserve it.

Am I enough for him?

I hear someone calling my name, I quickly hid the knife in the drawer and started cleaning quickly

(sorry if this happened to you)

The flashback is over.

"Where is Lorenzo?" I quickly said to my great-grandmother. "He left, he didn't intend to make you uncomfortable," she smiled. It is unclear to me why I'm worried about Lorenzo if he's not here, I mean I'm his friend.

I'm quite disappointed that I didn't wake up seeing him next to me.

"Come here" Christina pats the couch. I sat next to her. "What's wrong with you two?" she asked. "Nothing but friends, I have a boyfriend." Christina stays here for two weeks, then returns to the Dominican Republic.

"Why didn't he come to the party," she stroked my hair. "Um...he was busy he had to work" sigh, I would rather not tell people that my relationship with me and Isaac is going on bad lately I don't want them to feel bad for me, I hate that feeling.

I'll just act normal like nothing happened, it's easy for me, I can handle it. "You look like your mother," she smiled. "I often get that," I laugh.

I should prepare, Lisa." I get up and go up the stairs. "Hey Elora, I need to talk to you." Alexa smiles weakly at me. She and I haven't spoken in a while since I found out what happened. She looks exhausted. "Yes, but are you okay?" I ask as I get closer to her.

"Yes I am a bit tired" she chuckles we go to her room, I sat down on her chair that she got. "So?"

"Yeah eh. I don't know how to say this to you, eh... You're probably going to hate me or mom is going to kick me out" tears fall down her cheek.

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