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I slowly open my eyes, feeling something on my chest

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I slowly open my eyes, feeling something on my chest. I look down and see Enzo on my chest.

I've never felt this before. I look at his beautiful long eyelashes. Why do boys have long eyelashes? And girls don't, they don't even seem grateful for that.

His hair is messy. I run my hands through his soft, wavy hair. He looks so peaceful and adorable while sleeping.

Shoot! I completely forgot to tell my mom where I'm staying. I was slowly trying to move away from Enzo, but he just pulled me back. "Enzo," I whisper desperately. He hums with his raspy voice.

"I forgot to call my mom; I was going to stay with you," I said, panicking. "I called her already, don't worry, darling," he says.

He moved up to my neck and asked, "You okay?" He asked, still keeping his eyes close. I hum in response. I looked at the time, and it is 10:00.

"Enzo I have to go to work," I moved around to get out of him, "Don't go," but he pulled me in. "I can't"
"Why not?" He asked with his face still on my neck. "I'm probably gonna get fired."

"Let them; I'll pay you more than they usually do."
"No," I insist; I love doing my job, even though it is not my dream job, and they pay me well. "Please, just for one day, spend time with me," he pouted his lips. I couldn't say no to him.

"No, maybe after work?" I suggested him. I love to spend time with him. He groans, "Fine."

He rolled over to the side of the bed, and I sat up with the blanket to my chest. "Did you sleep good?" He asked. I nod at him with a smile.

He came to kiss me on my lips, but I moved my head and said, "I haven't brushed my teeth."

"Who cares?" he rolled his eyes dramatically. "Well, I do," I chuckle.

"Sorry." He gave me an apology look. "Guess no work today," I chuckle as his lips turn into a smirk. "Good thing," he mumbles.

He kissed my cheek instead of my lips, and he picked me up in bride style, carrying me to his bathroom. He placed me on the counter.

We stared at each other for a couple of minutes until he blurted out, "You're beautiful."

"Thank you; you're looking handsome."

After we bathe in different bathroom,

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