Chapter 2

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Sarada was thoroughly enjoying the journey to the Land of Lightning. She would point to things over Sasuke's shoulder and he would tell her what they were and why the were.

He wasn't known for patience but once he became a father it was something he learned to have only with her. His gentleness was something that would surprise many of the shinobi in this world that feared him.

"Papa, when will we get there?" She asked before she let out a yawn.

Sasuke looked to his wife, "We should rest for a bit, let her take her nap."

She nodded in agreement. They settled in a spot in the shade of the trees. Sasuke removed his poncho and laid it on the ground so Sarada could lay on it. It was so big he used the other half and wrapped it around her. In no time she was sleeping.

"How long until we reach the Land of Lightning do you think?"

"I'd say we should get there in a few days. Having Sarada will slow us down a bit but we will still make good time" he answered.

Sakura couldn't help but stare at Sasuke. He noticed after a moment and looked at her wearily, "Why are you staring?"

She laughed, "Im sorry. I'm just thinking of the last time we traveled together." A light blush spread across her cheeks.

"It's been awhile, huh?" And he gave her a soft smile. "Three years since it was just the two of us, now we have her" and he motioned towards their sleeping daughter.

"I miss you both every time I'm away. I like having you both here with me" he continued. He was always used to traveling alone, he always believed it was easier that way. Less risk. But he always felt guilty for being away for long periods of time.

"I know Sarada is happy, and so am I."

They sat together and talked about their mission and let Sarada nap for awhile. They would need to head north for a another day or so then from there it's half a days journey north east to the village.

"You think she's slept enough?" Sasuke asked as he looked over to his sleeping daughter. "Even if she hasn't, she can always sleep while we walk. Let's go."
Sarada was secured to Sasuke's back again and they were on their way.

They traveled a few hours after nightfall before stopping to camp for the night. Sasuke was in charge of the fire while Sakura rolled out their sleeping mats. Sarada, of course, wanted to help her mother. She laid down on the mat as soon as it was flat.

"Are you hungry Sarada?"

She quickly sat up and nodded her head. Sasuke motioned for her to come sit on his lap and they ate together.

"Mama" she started, "where are we sleeping?" Sakura chuckled and pointed to the mats they were sitting on. "Right here Sarada."

Her eyes widened and she slowly looked out into the dark woods. Sasuke sensed her nervousness and wrapped an arm around her, "You're okay Sarada, Mama and I will be here with you." She turned and buried her face into his chest.

Sakura cleaned up after their meal while Sasuke laid down with Sarada. She still had her arm wrapped around his waist and head buried in his chest. Sasuke gently ran his hand through her hair to help her relax and, hopefully, soothe her to sleep.

Sakura laid down against Sarada's back and wrapped her arm around Sasuke's waist too. Once she was securely snuggled between her parents, she drifted off to sleep.

• • • • •

They woke up early and got on the road again. The days travel was uneventful, just as the day before.

It was nearing nightfall when they reached the nearby village. "I've passed through the village up ahead many times while on missions, it's fairly qui-"

Sasuke cut off his words and stopped. "Something's not right here." He crouched down, "Sakura take Sarada." Sakura quickly obeyed and took their daughter off his back and held her close.

"Sasuke wha-"

"Shh! Get off the road!" He urgently whispered.

Sakura didn't want to leave him but knew she had to think of Sarada's safety first. She crouched down in the tall grass off of the road and watched her husband carefully, waiting to see what he sensed.

He stood in the road unmoving but his eyes were fixated on the road ahead, towards the village. If she listened closely she could hear the murmur of voices and sounds of footsteps.

"Sasuke Uchiha." There was a growl to this man's voice when he said Sasuke's name, it was filled with disgust.

The man finally came into view, along with 3 other men. They stood on each side of him, fanned out around Sasuke.

Sasuke stood tall and stared down the men. They weren't a threat to him. "Hiroto." Sakura recognized this name and got an awful feeling deep in her gut.

"You've grown brat" the man stated.

"What do you want Hiroto?" Sasuke asked calmly, hand on the hilt of his sword.

"You know what I'm after. What I've been after all these years."

"Leave now Hiroto. If you know what's good for you."

Sasuke crouched into a ready stance. Hiroto held up a hand and waved someone out. Another one of his men, one Sasuke didn't sense before, stepped out holding Sakura around the neck. Sarada was still in her arms, she clung to her mother with tears steadily running down her pink cheeks.

"You've gotten careless Sasuke. You've brought the little brat right to me" he said referencing Sarada.

Sasuke bared his teeth and activated his Sharingan. "You don't want to do this Hiroto" he warned, "You know what happened last time."

He made a motion with his hand and his men, except the one holding his family, slowly moved in on him.
Sasuke went to remove his sword from its hilt but was stopped when the man holding Sakura replaced his arm with a knife against her neck. He locked eyes with his wife, a silent message between them.

Sasuke stood upright and deactivated his Sharingan. Hiroto laughed deep in his throat, "That's what I thought."

Sakura stomped as hard as she could on the man's foot, causing him to scream out in pain because she most definitely broke bones. He held his grip on the knife but before he could do anything Sasuke swapped places with him using the Rinnegan.

A portal began to open behind them.  "Grab them!" Hiroto demanded but it was too late. Sasuke pulled his family backwards through it and snapped it shut before any of the men could come through.

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