Chapter 2: Oh My! He Talked To Me

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"Heyyy!" i said half smiling half mentally scolding myself. Or laughing yeah whatever it was but i could just hear my inner bitch whisper to me.

"About yesterday -?" shit shit shit. Nahhh dont talk about it. I mentally begged as if he could read minds well what if he can. Oh my he knows i like him then. No he doesn't read minds well what if. Shoot!!!

I couldn't help smiling like a fool. The things we do because of love! He then extended his hand, "Bright Wenly, the boy who let you fall yesterday? I think you remember right-?"

"Kylie, Kylie Weston", i said with a smile. He returned the smile and his teeth.... Dayummmmm they were arranged in such a way that his smile would make me feel like jelly.

I immediately picked up my phone after the not so long conversation to talk to Cass. After all every girl needs that human diary. Ah diaries... Hate those. Oh yes Cassandra. I didn't even spare a minute. I gave her all the details of my less than 2 minutes talk with the boy i really liked. This one was not a crush it was falling in love. You'll get it one day. Too bad Cass was in "some" shop looking for "some" crop hoodie to match her boyfriend jeans so i had to make it quick. So much for having a best friend.

If anyone had told me you can do anything for love i would have laughed at them till they cried but I guess it was now a fact i had to believe because i ended up trying debate club just to see my nerdy Bright. No judging please.

"I didn't know you loved debating. Anyways welcome to the debate club and I'm the leader... I hope you still remember my name Kyrie", Bright said with a smirk which made me think twice about calling him a nerd because it was devilish.

"Of course I do remember your name Bright and mind you its Kylie," i replied bitterly because this gent had mispronounced my name. The afternoon was long because I had just wasted my precious time just to get annoyed by the person I liked/loved whatever it was.

Well debating was not that bad because for the rest of the afternoon we made a few eye contacts and exchanged some real flirty smiles. What a moment to remember.

After 3 hours of trying to get how to debate with reasonable answers, it was time to go home and guess what.!!Bright then asked me to come to his place to get more tips on how to debate. Oh and yes I accepted the offer. Wiggles eyebrows*

I got home finding my mom, my step dad and my step brother. Just the usual. From my mother's side i was the only child as well as from my biological dad. But due to my biological dad's death, my mother moved on and found another man who married her within 2 months of their relationship.

I shot straight to my room after saying a loud "Guys I'm home" because i was sooooo tired of everything ". Cassandra called an hour later and gladly i was done eating and bathing... And making sure that i doo not wash the hand that was touched by Bright. Nothing new, something i was doing since last week when he talked to me.

After getting a whole 2 hours talk with Cass filled with a bunch of unnecessary squeals and giggles i got another call. Unknown number this time.

"Hi, Kyrie or should i say I'm Kyrie by the way-" this voice belongs to Bright. How did he get my number?

I'm back with another chapter. I'm sooo sorry for the typing errors.. Vote.. Like... Share and continue spreading love. More events are to come

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