Chapter 9: Family Meeting

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Liah POV:

I woke up to a sound of crying in the room. I shot up as I realized they were Caleb's cries. I opened my eyes only to be blended by the sun, I jump up in my bed at the unfamiliar sight of the room I woke up in. I quickly recall the events of last night and remember that this was Rome's room.

I heard another cry from Caleb and hushed voices.

"Psst. Just calm down."

"Shh, little man."

"Seriously, don't wake her up."

"What was his name again?"


"Shh Caleb. Please be quiet."

Three men tried to calm Caleb down but he was screaming and crying at the top of his lungs now.

"Come on buddy. Do you want me to rock you up and down."

A short silence followed then the cries got even louder. I pushed the covers from me and sighed as I sat up.

"He's not going to calm down when three strangers scare him." I said towards the three men.

Rome, Darien and Lijah immediately looked at me. Rome looked guilty, probably because I woke up despite their efforts. On the other hand Darien and Lijah seemed relieved at seeing me, probably because I could deal with Caleb now. Well, I was really the only person who could calm him in the morning.

I stood up and walked over to my baby who was standing in his bed. His cheeks were covered in tears and his hair was still messy from the night.

"Good morning baby." I picked Caleb up and he stopped crying.

"That's cheating." Rome complained.

"How did he calm down so fast?" Lijah asked perplexed.

"Finally." Darien said as he walked to the bed and laid down on it.

I rocked Caleb up and down in my arms and reached for his teddy and pacifier that were laid out on his bed. I gave him both items and he took them immediately. Then I went to his bag to choose something to wear for him.

"I swear he didn't want to take his pacifier earlier." Someone said but I was too occupied with picking an outfit for Caleb.

As soon as I picked an outfit I went into the bathroom with Caleb, leaving the door open. "It's potty time." I said as I sat Caleb on the ground and he got ready to sit on the toilette, since we didn't have a pot or special toilet seat I helped Caleb onto the toilet. As he finished I dressed him in a new diaper and helped him change into new clothes. Since it should be a warm day I picked a flower dress shirt and shorts for him to wear. I picked him up and helped him brush his teeth before brushing my own, of course Caleb got to help me brush my teeth too.

We walked back into the room and I sat Caleb on the ground and gave him a few toys to play with until I was ready.

Rome and Lijah were sitting on the couch playing with their phones and Darien was passed out on the bed, sleeping deeply. I guess he got woken up by Caleb too. I picked my phone from the night table, carefully as to not wake Darien, and looked at the time. 8am, it was later than I had expected. Caleb would normally wake me up around 6am but I guess he needed some sleep after the past two days.

My phone rang and I saw a message from Toni.

'Did you find the man in the picture?'

I quickly texted back: 'Yes. We took the test yesterday, I'll know in a few days if he is my father. Thanks again.'

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