Chapter 17: Fears and Nightmares

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Liah POV:


My class is on a trip right now but I couldn't go, mom didn't allow me. Since I did want to go I sneaked out to join my classmates. Mom drove after our school bus and made me come back with her. To say she was mad when she found out was an understatement and I'm pretty sure we're moving again.

When I was younger it wasn't a problem to meet friends, mom even drove me to their homes and let me sleep over but that was a few years ago, I was seven around that time, I'm eleven years old now.

Right now I'm sitting in my bedroom in our small house while mom is talking to someone on the phone in the kitchen. While she's talking I'm already getting my clothes out of my closet and packing my things together.

For the past 20 minutes mom has been talking to someone on the phone but I don't know with whom. I can hear bits and some words but she's speaking in Russian, sadly I can't speak or understand it myself, mom only taught me Italian and Spanish. I guess it is usual that she talks to someone once she's decided to move again. We already moved five times in the last four years, she always talks to someone in Russian before we leave. I stopped asking why, about what or who the other person was some time ago.

"Pack your bags, Liah." Mom calls from downstairs and I can tell she is mad and in a hurry.

I quickly continue to shove my things into my backpack and suitcase before we have to leave. I know from prior experience that the things I don't pack in time are left behind. I have no idea what happens to the house after we leave, or the things left in it, but I don't want to leave my things behind.

I put my last things away and as soon as I close the sip of my suitcase mom stands in the door. I look up to her to see her cold expression, I don't think I saw her smile in years. She sighs deeply and looks disappointed at me.

I screwed up again, I should have known better. I disappointed mom. I just hope she won't be mad at me. I'll probably get house arrest, I'm fine with staying home, I don't even know if she'll let me go to school from now on but I can't blame her, after all it is my fault.

After two days of traveling and switching cars twice we make it to our I suppose new home. It is a similar two-story house we had before just a different room structure and small garden. The houses on our street look pretty much the same and since we arrived at night there is no one else outside.

Mom parks the car in the driveway and steps out. I just wonder what happens once I step out. Mom hadn't even scolded me for what happened. She usually scolded me, gave me house arrest or I wasn't allowed to leave my room for some time. I hated that but I understood why mom did that. After all I didn't listen to her.

I reluctantly stepped out of the car and pulled my backpack out with me. I went to the trunk to get my suitcase but mom stopped me.

"Liah, come inside." She says from the front door and I follow her.

"Mom-?" I want to ask what to do but she waves me off as her phone rings and she picks it up.

"Go upstairs until I call you." She turns around and walks towards what I think is the kitchen.

I guess I'll look at my room for now, I could decorate it and organize my things. I became a bit of an expert in that. I walk towards the stairs while mom goes to the back of the house. I pull my backpack up and place it on my new bed.

My new room is a little bigger than my old one, but it has about the same furniture, there's a bed, a closet, a small couch, and a desk with a chair. I lay down on my new bed before I do anything else. I slowly close my eyes, thinking about the past days. I realize I don't even know which city or town we are in right now.

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