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"Everything looks good and healthy," The doctor tells us. I let out a sigh of relief as Dom does the same.
"Is everything ready for the attack?" I ask as we leave the doctor's office.
"Yes, baby. You don't need to worry about anything," He assures me. I nod and we go back upstairs to our room. We spend almost the whole day cuddling while watching Netflix.
"I'm sorry baby. It's almost time to leave, I have to go help Eli split up the groups."
"Can't he?" I ask.
"He's already explained the plan. Don't you think we've been a lot of Him and Peter?"
"Well who's faults that?" I snap back.
"I know. It's my fault, and I'm sorry," He tells me. I nod and hug him.
"Be safe," I say with my mouth inches from his. He closes the gap, and I move my lips against his.
"I love you."
"I love you too." I watch as he walks out the door. Only a few minutes later, I hear a loud knock on the door.
"Hey Peter," I say, opening the front door.
"Hey, we're about to leave, but I just wanted to remind you that Dom told everyone you were staying home to protect the pack if anything happens. Remember if anything does; Call. Either. You. Or. Dom's. Dad," He tells me, pausing after each word for effect.
"I will, I promise," I assure him, truthfully.

Dom's POV

I lead the group through the dark forest, making little noise. I watch as everyone mirrors my actions.
"We're almost there, how about you guys?" I link Peter and Eli.
"Almost." I see a bunch of tents almost thirty feet in front of us. We all get down, to remain unseen.
"We're in position," Eli links me.
"On my go. One, two, three, go." With that everyone stands up and shifts. Clothes go flying everywhere and loud growls can be heard. We go running into the camp and are met with the stench of rogues. I start biting through them, making them fall one by one. I see the rogue alpha run at me, seething. I growl, warning him. He doesn't back down, in fact he comes running at me. I scratch my claws against his forehead as he scratches my side. I shove him off of me, but he runs at me again. This time I aim for his throat and shoot my claws through his skin, causing blood to squirt out. This somehow still doesn't stop him as he turns towards me and tackles me to the ground.
"Fuck," I mutter as his nails dig into my side once again. I feel warm blood dripping down my side. Getting even more pissed, I take my sharp claw and slit his neck. He dies instantly. I move on to the next wolf that dares to fight me. The next few are much easier compared to their alpha. I watch as one tries to sneak up behind Peter, I quickly run over and tackle it before it has a chance to hurt Peter. Peter snaps around.
"Come on. From behind? Such a cheap shot," He jokes as he snaps the rogue's neck. I look around and see everyone using everything they've been taught. We usually don't have this much trouble with rogue packs, but something about these wolves. Yes, alphas are stronger, but rogues in general are weaker. The fight only lasted thirty minutes. I led my group back to the pack house. We dodge natures obstacles, branches, rocks, and other inconveniences. As we near the pack house I see Eli and Peter's group arrive at the same time. We all shift and take inventory of injuries. I look down and see long gashes down my sides, ending at my v line.
"Kyler's gonna freak if he sees that," Eli laughs with Peter nodding in agreement. I sigh knowing they're right. This pregnancy has not been easy on him. He has constant mood swings and has become very emotional, though I'd never tell him that. Deciding it'd be best if he didn't know, I head to the hospital wing of the house.
"Hey doc. Is there any way you can stitch me up? Oh and none of that numbing shit. I need to be quick so Kyler doesn't come looking for me."
"I can give you the stitches, but I wouldn't recommend not getting numbed."
"I don't have time for this shit. Stitch me up," I command. He just nods and walks out. I sit for a few minutes, fiddling with my hands, before the door opens. The doctor sets the tray down and puts gloves on. I watch as he grabs the needle and pokes it through my skin.
"Fucking shit," I grit out as the needle enters and exits my skin. After ten minutes the doctor inserts the last stitch. I quickly grab an extra shirt and throw it over my head, hiding the injury. I smile when I walk in and see Kyler fast asleep on the bed, sprawled out. I lay down beside him and he cuddles against me, sharing his warmth. He lays his head on my chest, thankfully on my uninjured side. I look down and smile at his usual hard features softened. I let my fingers caress his face.
"When did you get home?" He asks after I accidentally woke him.
"Just a little while ago."
"Any casualties?"
"Nope, only a few injured people." Kyler nods to me and closes his eyes again. We both lay in silence, just appreciating each other's embrace. I reach my hand around and set it on his stomach, something he finds soothing. I slowly rub it, before I feel something push against it. Kyler shifts quickly.
"Did you feel that? He kicked," He tells me excitedly.
"Yeah, I felt it." I continue to rub his stomach in hopes of feeling our baby again. After a few more kicks, they seem to calm down.
"I hate not being able to do anything," Kyler voices.
"I know. I'm sorry baby. After the doctor cuts this baby out you'll be able to start training and going on rogue attacks again. But you know it'll all be worth it. To have a little baby running around, it'd be worth anything."
"Yeah, you're right," He tells me.
"Of course I am. I love you baby."
"I love you too Dom," He tells me with a smile before we both fall asleep.


"Congratulations, you guys are having a boy," The doctor tells us. I feel tears streaming down my face. I look up and see Dom smiling big. He squeezes my hand. The doctor wipes the gel off my stomach and I pull my shirt over my big belly. It's now mid August and were tell the pack later today. I take a deep breath and let Dom pull me up.
"Can you believe it? We're having a boy," Dom coos to me. I smile big and hug him tight. I can't believe this is my life.
"Dom, do you think we'll ever get married? Because if we do it needs to be a mutual conversation, not a proposal,"
"It'd be okay getting married, how about you?"
"I know it's not going to happen but I've always thought I'd be married before having a kid. Given I didn't think I'd be the one that would be pregnant, but still. I'd like to get married eventually."
"It's not too late. We can get married before he comes. Say the word and I'll make it happen," He tells me with conviction. I smile at the idea. I'd be married to the love of my life with a perfect baby. The idea in itself makes me filled with excitement. I'd have the dream life.
"Let's get married this weekend. Just you and me," He says, noticing my excitement.
"Dom, you can't be serious."
"How would that even work?"
"Well we could just get married at the courthouse, unless you wanted a big wedding," He offers.
"Fuck no," I say quickly, waving off the idea.
"Okay, I'll make an appointment for the courthouse on Saturday." I lean forward, excitedly and press a kiss to his lips.
"You're making all my dreams come true."
"Good baby. That's all I've ever wanted."
"You ready to go talk to the pack?"
"I don't know, can't you tell them?" I ask, nervously.
"Anything for you," He tells me. I follow him closely to the backyard where Eli and Peter are up on stage, addressing the large crowd.
"Oh here they are now," Eli says, signaling for us to come up. We quickly walk up to the front and start talking through the link.
"We appreciate everyone taking the time to join us. We have some exciting news. We're going to be having a baby," Dom says with excitement, but everyone remains silent.

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