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"Are you ready?" I ask, seeing Kyler looking nervous. He nods with a flustered smile.
"Dom and Kyler," We hear the lady shout, calling us back. We stand and walk up to the double doors. The kind lady opens them and ushers us in.
"Just to double check, this is the right marriage license, correct?"
"Yes," I answer after scanning the paper. We give them all the paperwork that's needed. I scan the courtroom. I always wanted a small wedding, but I never imagined it'd be this small. I see the witnesses, the officiant, and the photographer. I fiddle with the ring box in my pocket, that we picked out only days ago. Of course I don't have to worry about him not liking it because his need to always be in control won in this situation, and I just let him pick out his own ring.
"Okay, let's start," The man says.
"We gather here on this beautiful day to celebrate the creation of a new marriage. In marriage, two individuals unite their lives irrevocably. They vow to nourish each other in spirit, mind, and body. Marriage thereby gives to us a sense of security so we manage the sorrow and celebrate the joy that life brings. When two individuals unify their lives, they therefore enter a beautiful yet solemn commitment to each other. Into this union Kyler and Dominic come now to be joined. Please join hands as a sign of your commitment." I take Kyler's sweating hands in mine.
"Marriage is an honorable bond; it is a privilege to be entered into the holy state of matrimony. You should know each other's strengths and faults well. You should set each other free to fully be yourselves. Your devotion to one another should bestow upon you more courage to face all the difficulties life brings. Always remember the wisest couples always have hope, courage, and above all love. Do you, Kyler Woods, take Dominic Gray to be your wedded husband? To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do you part and hereby pledge your faithfulness?"
"I do," I hear Kyler say looking into my eyes with a tear streaming down his cheek.
"And do you, Dominic Gray, take Kyler Woods to be your wedded husband? To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do you part and hereby pledge your faithfulness?"
The officiant asks, as I feel my eyes start to sting. I haven't cried in almost 8 years. Not even when we found out about our baby, or the gender. But something about declaring my never ending love to Kyler pushed me over the edge.
"I do," I say with every bone in my body.
"Now you guys can read your prepared vows." Kyler pulls out his paper.
"Dom, I promise you my deepest love, my fullest devotion, my tenderest care, through the pressures of the past and the uncertainties of the future, I promise to be faithful to you. I promise to love you, commit to you, and support you. You have shown me what love feels like and for that I thank you. You are everything I need and at this moment I know all of my prayers have been answered, and all of my dreams have come true. From this day forward, you shall not walk alone. My heart will be your shelter and my arms will be your home. As I have given you my hand to hold, I give you my life to keep," He tells me with tears streaming down his face, myself not too far behind. As he puts his paper away, I take mine out.
"Kyler, you have been completely transformative for me. You have elevated me and improved me. I feel freer, more centered, more effective, happier. I feel nourished and fulfilled. I feel alive. If this was a sport, I feel that I have just laced on my cleats, gotten off the bench, and joined a raging game in midfield. More than that, I feel like I just caught the ball and am racing towards the end zone. I am dodging blockers, my legs are pumping, I am caught up in the rush. Since meeting you I feel like my heart is in it. So this is what I vow. I vow to keep my heart in it. I vow to square my shoulders and lean into it. I vow to fight for you and with you, to knock whoever and whatever there is out of our way. So that you and I can rush forward in this blur. In this hazy, fantastic blur... with our pack cheering... and our legs pumping... and our hearts drumming... with the wind in our faces and the earth under our feet. All because I love you unconditionally." I look up and see the tears still streaming down his face.
"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you married," The officiant says. I waste no time in leaning forward and pressing my lips to his, and my hands to his stomach. We take a few pictures then head out the back door to the car.

Kyler's POV

"Yeah, we did it. I know I know. Could you please get the car, so we can just leave straight away?" I hear Dom ask over the phone, assumingly to Eli.
"Let's grab our bag, Eli will be coming to get the car." I nod to him and grab the light suitcase. He drags it behind him as he heads to the woods about 40 feet away. Once we get a good distance into the woods, Dom starts stripping.
"Do you think you'll be able to carry this suitcase on my back?" He asks me, I nod. I watch as he shifts, I grab the suitcase and climb on to his back. He looks back at me and I nod signaling I'm ready. He starts running faster than any wolf I've seen. He goes so fast that I press my stomach against his back, laying flat on him. I turn my head to the side, pressing my cheek against his soft fur. I watch as the trees fly by. I feel the suitcase under my chest, causing me to arch over it. After a few hours, I feel Dom slow down. I slide off of him and he shifts back, not bothering to put clothes back on. I find a tree, desperately needing to pee. Once I'm finished with my business, I look around the dark forest. This place gives me the creeps. I take my suit jacket off and shove it in the suitcase, pulling out some of Dom's clothes. I replace my clothes with his, hating the uncomfortable suit. I fold my suit nicely and put it in the suitcase with Dom's.
"I'm getting hungry," I tell Dom, looking at my watch and seeing it's almost nine.
"Okay, I see a diner up there. We can stop there. At this rate we should be to the house by lunchtime tomorrow, if I don't sleep tonight."
"Which you will, so we'll get there at about night time tomorrow," I tell him, leaving no room for argument. He nods and walks over to the suitcase and grabs some shorts and a shirt.
"I'm going to set up camp over here, then we can get some supper." I nod as he walks over to a tree and loops out suitcase around a branch so it's hidden. Knowing we'll just sleep in wolf form, we clear an opening.
"Baby, can't we look for a hotel? Your pregnant for fuck sakes."
"Dom we're in some small town of course they don't have hotels," I tell him annoyed. He sighs, defeated.
"Let's go," I say angrily, putting my hand out for him to grab. He grabs it and walks beside me out of the woods. We enter the front door of the small breakfast diner open 24 hours.
"How many?" The hostess asks.
"Just two," I answer. She nods and grabs menus, before leading us to a booth. I slide in across from Dom. Situating the sweatshirt, making sure it's still concealing my stomach. If anybody saw it, there would be way too many questions. I look up to see Dom staring at me with a smile. Something he does too often.
"Oh my god Dom, quit fucking staring at me," I demand. This time he doesn't back down. Finally sensing my climbing anger he looks back at the menu. I skim through, the pancakes jumping out at me. I decide on two pancakes, hash browns, biscuits and gravy.
"Hello, what can I get started for you two?"
"I'll have an apple juice, two pancakes, hash browns, biscuits and gravy," I order, causing her eyes to widen for a second before shaking it off.
"I'll have water and the western skillet." She nods and walks away.
"That was such an old person's thing to order." I make fun of him.
"Yes Kyler. A skillet and water is an old person's meal. Maybe apple juice and pancakes are just a kid's meal." I pout at him letting him know I'm angry. He ignores me, which just makes me even angrier. We spend the next 15 minutes in silence, me just scrolling on my phone while he looks around the restaurant. I hate how easy it is for him to get under my skin. He makes pissing me off a hobby. Thankfully the awkward silence is interrupted by the waitress. We don't talk as we both finish our meals.
"Here's this, take your time," The waitress says as she sets the bill down. Without hesitation Dom picks it up and sets his card on it. After she returns and thanks us for coming, we both get up and walk back outside. No matter how stupid I feel for being mad at him for the little thing he said, I can't get over it, which makes me even angrier. I can't wait to get this baby out of me. He's fucking with my emotions so much. Mark my words, I am never getting pregnant again. If Dom wants any more kids, he can get pregnant himself. That thought make me almost laugh out loud. No way would Dom ever bottom, and deep down I'd never want him to. No matter how much I complain and pretend it bothers me, I love giving him all the control. I walk a few feet behind him as we enter the woods and get to the clearing where we left our things. I watch as Dom strips. I too pull off my shorts, shirt, and underwear, leaving me completely naked. I notice Dom checking me out, causing me to roll my eyes. Horny bastard. I shift and hear Dom doing the same. Thankfully after a lot of times asking the doctor, I'm convinced it's safe to shift. I'm just a lot slower, hence needing to ride Dom. I see Dom lay down under a tree, so I strut over and lay a few feet in front of him. My mind races with thoughts of today. How stupid that I ruined our first night married. We should be having hot and heavy sex, but instead I got mad and now wer're not even sleeping together. As if reading my thoughts, right as I'm about to go to sleep, I feel a paw loop around my waist and pull me back. That's the thing I love about Dom. No matter how mad we are at each other, he'll always take care of me. His paw then starts petting the fur at my stomach. With the comfort of my mate and new husband I fall into a deep sleep.

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