╭ ☾₊⁺ prolouge

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Hello :)


Saying that he was exhausted was an understatement. He felt like he could sleep for days. Perhaps his 'Elemental Fusion' drained a lot of energy from him.

But he did it.

He finally did it.

He had finally defeated Retak'ka.

His body hurt like hell. He felt pain throughout his already aching body.

He tried to ignore the pain but it only hurt even more.

He had to fight through it.

His friends were still fighting Retak'ka's minions. He needed to make sure they were alright.

He stumbled backward over the edge and fell.

He fell into the thin, brittle layer of ice below, the ice shattering like glass

as the brunet submerged into the depths.

He felt drowsy. His eyelids were feeling heavy and his vision was getting

blotchy. 'N-no! N-no-not y-yet! I still haven't said goodbye to my friends! Tok Aba! And Ochobot!' He screamed in his head.

He barely had enough energy to move a finger much less swim up to the surface.

'Is this how things end? After everything I've been through? I doubt fate would let me off so easily... Let's just see how things turn out' He thought wearily, sighing in defeat. Closing his eyes, accepting the sleepyness.

Somehow, he fell unconscious rather than die from the lack of oxygen (Which doesn't make sense at all, but hey! ✨Wattpad logic✨ is a thing you know-), as, the world had other plans for him, just like it always did. Just as Boboiboy had expected.

A loud splash was heard as 4 figures came diving down, shouting at the top of their lungs "BOBOIBOY!" Their eyes squinted as they were met with a sudden bright light. As if time had slowed, everything went white except them and Boboiboy who was slowly drifting away.

'What the-' They thought but were cut off as everything went blank white.


Anyways, I'm so sorry that this is short..

I mean this is just the Prologue, it's meant to be short- (?)

So you guys might see updates of already updated chapters (?), well that's because when I re-read a chapter and I'm not satisfied, I will edit it and publish the edited version. Hope you guys don't mind

Yea- I don't know what I'm doing anymore- Bye-

Oh also, Constructive Criticism is very much appreciated <333

Date published: 10:54 AM, March 20th 2022

(Date Republished: 03:24 AM, March 31st 2024)

Word count:  383 Words

『𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓫𝓵𝓮𝓶 𝓒𝓱𝓲𝓵𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓷』Where stories live. Discover now