⋆.˚a/n: clarification ⚝

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I re-read my previous chapters and realized not a lot of things made sense so I'll clarify a few things and explain my AU.

How old are they?

Alright, so first of all, I'd just like to explain Kokotiam's  ages. In BoBoiBoy Season 1, Boboiboy and Yaya were 10 years old, Ying being 9 and Gopal being 11. In Season 2, they were all a year older with Fang being the same age as Boboiboy and Yaya.

Gopal is obviously the eldest as he is a year older than all of them. Fang is the second oldest, Boboiboy is in the middle, thirds oldest and third youngest. After that is Yaya as she was born in August, making her the second youngest. Ying is the youngest because she was born a year younger than all of them.

In the movie, Ying was 11, Fang, Yaya and Boboiboy were 12 with Gopal being 13 years old. In BoBoiBoy Galaxy Season 1, we skip 2 years, Ying was 13, Fang, Yaya and Boboiboy were 14 with Gopal being 15. In BBBM2, Ying is 14, Fang, Yaya and Boboiboy being 15 with Gopal being 16, and that continues until the comic.

So, in this story, Boboiboy is older than Midoriya by 4 months (?). In the first few episodes of the first season, Midoriya was said to be 14 but people say he turned 15 when he entered UA so he's in-between Fang and Yaya as he was born on July. The Kokotiam Gang, when they appeared in the MHA world got scanned by Ochobot, to make sure they were healthy and okay, and when Ochobot scanned them, he found out that their results (?) were exactly the same as the results a year ago, so they assumed when they were brought here, they turned a year younger. 

Their heights?

All right so. Let's face it. The Kokotiam are tiny. Star-chan made BoBoiBoy in her book a lot taller but he's still smol. I'm smol too okay? I'm only like 5'2. Anyways so, I've a solution

[Might want to flip y'all phones]

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[Might want to flip y'all phones]

Alright so, Ying will be Chaco-chan's height and Yaya being around Mina's height. Boboiboy will be a centimeter in-between Midoriya and Denki. Fang will be around Kirishima's height with Gopal being Todoroki's height.

Weird? I agree.
Didn't give it much thought tho
I just saw this picture and decided so.

Character personalities?
I'm a newbie writer with little to no experience, the experience I have was writing fictional stories as my homework in 4th Grade, haven't done anything regarding to that since, and I'm in second year of junior high. I'm also terrible at making characters act their canon ways but I'm trying my best.

Just let me get this straight. I do not do buddy-buddy Boboiboy. I think it's cute and all, but I just can't let myself write Boboiboy like that. If he doesn't like someone, he won't try and be friends with them and he'll make it obvious. He doesn't hate Bakugou, just a strong dislike for him, he'll act the same wat as he did to Fang when Adudu decided to become nice. He'll probably start being friendly if Bakugou acted more nice to Midoriya. However, he might try and become friends with Shoto because of Frostfire and Shoto's quirk. I like imagining Boboiboy seeing Midoriya as his little brother but Midoriya just seeing Boboiboy as a close friend.

Fang... I actually don't know how to write his character but I'm aiming for mix of Kageyama and Todoroki with a little bit of C!Fang thrown into the mix. Idk why, okay? When I write his character that's my goal. Fang is competitive and always wants to seem popular and better than Boboiboy, but he's equally an idiot.

Yaya, she's the motherfuckin mum of this chaotic group. She's the one that sorts everything out and deals with everyone's shit. The only other person she can count on is Ying and Gempa. Even Fang was hopeless. Polite and really nice, she'll not like someone but try to act nice anyways. Scary. Terrible at making cookies, but just cookies (Yea why just cookies though? ;~; -C.C).

Ying. For some reason, I write her as that one person who wants to seem older and mature but she's actually childish. I don't why I make characters act this way alright? It's just that's the way I write them and write them like that for the rest of the time. She's the one who handles the idiots for Yaya.

Gopal. I like make him having this little inferiority complex to the rest of his friends. His friends mostly fight and he's mostly use for support. But he's scared so he doesn't really mind that much. He keeps messing things up during missions but his friends said to not mind it. He's a coward and will not hesitate to hide behind someone but he's not the type of person to leave anyone behind.

He's really nice and wholesome and is like a big brother. He learned a lot from Boboiboy about treating injuries so helped when his teammates get hurt. Best senpai. Likes being called a senpai. Literally a mix of Tanaka/Noya/Hinata. I don't know why. I just made Gopal really- I don't know-

Midoriya is just Midoriya. But when it comes to the Kokotiam Gang, he's less jumpy than usual. Otherwise he's pretty much just C!Midoriya. And no softie buddy-buddy Midoriya either. He'll gladly swear when there comes a time to swear. Like his childhood friend is Bakugou and you expect him be all innocent and shit? 

Why is Kokotiam practising in Dagobah beach and how does Midoriya know them?
So Dagobah Beach is pretty close to the Midoriya's place of residence and for plot reasons, there just happened to be an empty apartment next to the Midoriya's apartment.

And so, after renting the apartment next to the Midoriya's, they decided to hit the library (much to Gopal's dislike) and find out more about this new world. 

When they came back home, they had decided to enter UA and get hero licenses so that they could use their quirks freely to look for a way back home. They decided to go back to Dagobah Beach since it was well hidden and decided to spar there every now and then to keep in shape. 

Scenes I've missed?
You don't know the amount of scenes I've missed because I forgot about it and just went along with the anime episode-

- Remember that note in like Chapter 1? That really cringe note, that I gave you guys a picture of? Yea that one? After Boboiboy read that, Gopal snatched it and ripped it apart and threw it to the sea. No one really minded because it wasn't really important but poor dude still got a slap to the back.

There's a lot more but I can't list them right off my head. Like, I literally swear to god, before I wrote this chapter, I had MULTIPLE mental notes of certain scenes I've missed and as soon as I got to this part, I FORGOT ALL OF THEM.

Any other questions?
I'm pretty sure you guys have a lot of questions regarding to this that I haven't listed here or you still don't understand, so if you have any questions please ask. I'll try my best to explain.

Being the author means I know everything that's happening, so trying to read this shit in a reader's perspective is kinda of difficult. I want you guys to understand as much as I do so please. 

Don't be shy and ask some questions. I just can't think of other things so I only wrote that much, but if you have some questions then please ask away. I know I'm not the best when it comes to memory and explanations but I can at least make it understandable after like 5 explanations-  


Another thing I'd like to say is to PLEASE re-read the former chapters. I changed A LOT of things from the original script. Every time I "upload" and already uploaded chapter means I've finished editing it.

Ah! And if you happen to see [in progress] then that means that the chapter you are on is in the progress of being edited. A lot of things will change and maybe some dialogues will be cut out here and there, so in advance, I apologize for the nuisance.

Currently on a roll in editing so I think we might be able to finish editing by this week and I'll work on the new chapter after this week. Maybe might even make a Ramadhan/Fang Birthday special, but I doubt so, considering my laziness and all.

And as usual, I didn't proof-read so there's a lot of mistakes

Have a good day/night!

Date Published: 09:00 PM, Wednesday July 27th 2022
Edit Published: 10:45 AM, Friday, April 5th 2024
Word Count: 1344 Words 

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