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16 hours earlier...


I grip the steering wheel as I speed down the empty road.

According to the map, we're about 40 minutes away from the destination Xander gave me before we left his house. According to him, it's a safe house where we'll be until we get the greenlight that it's safe for Kendra to get back to her normal routine.

It's a little strange to think of her routine as normal but I've been working with her for almost two years now, so I've definitely gotten used to her erratic schedule.

In the last year and a half that I've been her bodyguard, I've come to learn a few things about her just from observing. The most obvious one that shouldn't have been so surprising, is how busy her life as a supermodel is. She's always on the move—always traveling somewhere to get to a fashion show or photoshoot or somewhere she has to make an appearance. Every Sunday night, her agent, Amelia, emails me her schedule for the week. It's always tentative and it can change at any time, but it does give me a chance to prepare.

Kendra Sullivan is not the most loved celebrity but she's definitely the most popular one. She's the type of person people love to hate. She knows that she'll get a kick of people from anything she does. If her name is attached to something, it's guaranteed to create a buzz. I know this not because I keep up with social media—I don't have any social media accounts at all. The reason I know this is because of the chaos that always ensues wherever we go. I'm not sure how the paparazzi find out where she is all the time but sometimes, they're already waiting for her before we even get to wherever she needs to be.

I knew that being her bodyguard wouldn't be easy from the moment I met her.

"Who are you?" She asked me that day.

I was already settled into the guesthouse and I was already familiar with the territory at her house and in her neighborhood. Her brother had introduced me to her security team days earlier and it did feel a little awkward to be at her house when she got back from her trip, but I was just following orders.

"I'm Sawyer," I said to her and I offered her my hand.

She frowned and looked at it like it was an alien arm. "What the hell are you doing in my house?" She asked as she narrowed her eyes at me.

Despite her obnoxious attitude, it was hard not to notice her beauty. Of course, I had seen pictures of her on the internet and magazines but her beauty seemed even more unreal in person. I thought the pictures of celebrities we saw online and magazines were edited but I was quickly realizing that maybe that wasn't the case with Kendra Sullivan.

Her skin was clear and it looked smooth and soft. She had eyeliner on which made her blue eyes pop out even more. They made me think of the ocean but not the one here in California. They made me think of the clear waters I got to see in the Philippines when I was deployed during my time in the military. Her light brown hair almost made her look even more unique somehow.

She was beautiful but there wasn't anything kind about the way she was glaring at me. I knew she was trying to intimidate me but I kept my posture straight as I looked at her.

"You're brother hired me," I said to her. "I'm your new bodyguard."

She looked annoyed by my answer and she rolled her eyes. "I don't need a bodyguard. Feel free to pack your bags and leave," she said then she turned around to walk away.

"With all due respect, I can't do that," I said and she stopped and turned to look at me. "I have orders to not leave your side."

"Orders?" She asked. "You work for me, don't you?"

His to Guard [PREVIEW]Where stories live. Discover now