Chapter 15

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It had been a difficult way back to room. She saw from her peripheral how maids and servants eyed the way he carried her. She hid her face in his back to avoid the embarrassment. The damage was already done. Even though everyone knew what husband and wife do she still found it embarrassing to give them all a glimpse of just how he liked it, there was no doubt in the corners of this mansion this would be a topic of gossip. She wanted to curse him all the way through from the bottom of her heart.
Before she knew it she landed softly on their bed. Pulling down the zip of her dress he swiftly removed it from her body, savoring every moment of her growing shyness. He had known her every curve, the smallest mole on her small body but her mind still tried to cover herself from his dirty gaze. He made it his aim to have her helpless.

His mind rustled with ideas of pleasuring her, with ways of constraining her when she resisted his touch. He silently made a mindlist of things he needed in bed. Rope being on the top of his mind he made a note to buy some toys to control her orgasms. A sardonic smile spread on his lips, imagining her screaming on the gag as he took her from behind. The dimple on his face deepened at the indecency of his thoughts. His provoking smile infuriated her.
What could possibly be amusing about this situation.
Far from it, she found it humiliating and downright cruel.
Naked under him utterly at his mercy, she still glared at her husband hoping her stare to burn him alive. His smile widened at her attempt of making an angry face.
She is...something else
He hadn't smiled so broadly for so long. Never had he thought someone's arrogance could make him this amused. Not being able to control himself any more he latched onto her lips, drinking her attitude away. Like always she didn't have a say in it. Seconds became minutes before it became a make out session. He didn't seem to be in any hurry. When he would realise she wanted a moment to breathe, he'd pull away, meanwhile sucking on her nipple before heading back to her luscious lips. His hands traced her intimates only briefly touching her where he knew she needed the most. There was a growing unknown need in the pit of her stomach that nudged for more. In the middle of drowned and lost mingled bodies a phone chimed. She flinched when he loudly cursed. Not changing the distance between them he reached in his pocket and picked up.
He talked on a phone in Italian for few seconds before pulling back. She released her long-held breath and sighed in relief.
Instead of leaving the room or hanging up he started undressing. She was confused watching him taking his shirt off.
And then she saw it, his eyes on her, watching her with a known mischief, a call wasn't going to stop what was coming for her. She gulped as he walked out of his clothes in all his naked glory, still clutching his phone in one hand. It appeared that it was something gravely serious going on in the Italian conversation yet he didn't consider it even infinitesimally more important than fucking his wife.

Sitting on the edge of the bed with her both legs wrapped around his waist he pulled her closer. She was shell shocked at his antiques unable to grasp on what exactly was he planning. She watched as he silently spit on his palm, when she thought he was out of his mind he rubbed it sensually on her pussy, lubricating her. Her jaw physically dropped at his action, all at once, she was flipped down on the bed as his entered her in one single thrust. When her mouth opened to scream his hand covered it in a strong grip, shushing her, stopping her from interrupting his call. He picked up a faster pace enough to make her go wild but not hard enough to make noise.
He slowly removed his hand from her mouth seeing if she'd as much as gasp. She pushed her head inside the pillow while holding sheets as tightly as she could to keep her moans to herself. Taking her self control for granted he pounded faster, not losing his cool for a minute, conversing with the person on other side as if he wasn't tearing anyone apart. Unable to hold herself any longer she came viciously, gulping her screams back inside her throat. He didn't slow down when she came down from her high, her eyes silently pleaded him to slow down.

She saw as he bid his wishes to the seemingly important caller before hanging up and throwing his phone somewhere on the ground.
"What's wrong " he asked, hitting at a different angle now.
She was out of words. She saw his lips moving but all she heard was her body's announcement of her next orgasm. His flesh repeatedly hit her sensitive spot earning an incomprehensible moan from her.
He made a mess of her and couldn't appreciate his work more. She was thoroughly done with him, if she could, she would be abstemious all her life.
This man had no boundaries, no exhaustion and absolutely no mercy. When he was finally sufficed  from making her bounce on him, just like he thought he would in the garden, did he finally came inside her. She, with the loss of every ounce of energy collapsed on his body. Her breasts painfully squeezed on his chest but she couldn't care less. If he wanted her away he would have to physically push her down to her side of bed. She waited for him to shove her but he didn't.
Her whole body moved as his chest moved up and down with his breaths. She squirmed a little to put her right ear on his chest, half expecting to not hear a heart beat confirming his alienity but there indeed was one. Calm and serene, like a melody in a hurricane.
"Why do you have a degree?" His chest vibrated as he spoke suddenly curious to know when did women in mafia started going to college.
"In India...everyone has a degree" she whispered hoping for topic to finish on spot.
"You went to college?" He asked, not yet satisfied with how had she managed to be both daughter of the dangerous billionaire and a student.
"Only for exams, I did self study most of the time"
He hummed at her dedication. If she wanted she could just dress up, look pretty, sit and eat her luxurious life away. No one would have forced her to get a degree that would never even come to her aid. But it had. She had manipulated her way into doing what she wanted. He was impressed to the least. People had died for even as much as requesting him of something suspicious.
And here he was, letting his wife jeopardize his reputation, endanger the secrecy of his life and putting the identity of his family out there just so he could enjoy the privilege of her consent to fuck.
"How's work then?" he asked not exactly sounding proud of her.
"It's great, I've been writing about tuberculosis lately, it's really hard to keep track of time whe-" she stopped her oversharing demeanor when she felt his hand playing with her hairs.
"Keep talking" he mused.
"Wh...when the topic's so intriguing" finishing her sentence she realised this was not right. He was making a normal conversation with her and if she wasn't misunderstanding, what they were doing was not very different from cuddling. She decided to move off him, to put some distance. As her hands tried to lift herself his palm pressed on her waist, holding her to himself. She yet again relaxed on his body, giving up on her struggles.
"Unfortunately I won't be here tomorrow to taste your dish" still roaming his hand through her dark locks he said. She detected the slightest disappointment in his voice as if he seriously was looking forward to her cooking.
"I'll be back after a week" he said.
She was no fool to not be happy at the news. She internally smiled at the short freedom of seven days.
"Dominic would look over the mansion till then"
Her breathe hitched at the mention of his name. Her husband was a ruthless bastard but she had received worse vibes from Dominic. Getting a break from one bastard just to fall in the trap of another one was dangerous. Thinking it was an important task to do Tara lifted herself slightly to look up to Donavan. His eyes immediately recognized fear in her eyes as they urged for something.
"I...I don't have a good feeling about him" she tried to emphasize her emotions as much as she could. If anything was to happen to her, at least her husband needed to know who was behind it.
His eyes watched her closely, seeing if there was any glimpse of lie but there wasn't. She was genuinely concerned about his cousin being around her.
"I'll make sure he stays away" Donavan promised, his jaw clenched for his own brother.

He must have done something.

Not that he trusted anyone but Dominic was definitely someone to be aware of. He had a lot to gain from Donavan's destruction since he was the next in line to become don of Italian Familia. Him being anywhere around his wife enlivened immense hidden possessitivity in him.
She would be safe.
He promised himself.
Authors note: So yeah, we hit 500 reads today, that's good, I...yes...yeah...I don't know what to have a nice day....idk...whatever

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