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Annoyance pricked at my skin. I can't say I was feeling great after that tutoring session. One, because I barely understood anything she said. And two, because she turned my offer down and now I was going to have to go through with this tutoring crap.

Stuffing my hands in my pockets, I moved my way through the food court. On the far side sat the stairs to The Underground, the university's most popular bar. I descended the steps two at a time, nodding to the bouncer as I entered.

It didn't take long for me to find Andrew. Furthest stool on the left—his usual spot.

I passed by, clapping him on the back. "Already have a drink in your hand, huh?"

A wide grin appeared on Andrew's face. "Hey, it's five o'clock somewhere."

"It's five o'clock right now."

"Well, then there you go." A cheshire grin split his face as he brought the bottle to his lips.

"Where's Sadie?" I asked, scanning the dimly lit room for my little sister. I spotted her before Andrew could respond.

Without turning around in his stool, he motioned towards the billiard tables.

"She's been playing with Rachella since we got here." Andrew placed his drink back on the bar. "You know she's always the centre of attention."

That was probably why Andrew chose to hangout with Sadie down in The Underground when I needed him to babysit on campus. The bartenders made it their duty to play with her and keep her entertained. Even Felix, one of the guys from the security team, would occasionally piggyback her around. She was their youngest patron.

Andrew waited for me to take a seat beside him before he continued. "How was tutoring?"

"Just as dull as I'd imagined it would be." I dropped my backpack to the floor. At this point it was strictly for appearances. "Were you expecting a different outcome?"

Andrew shook his head. There was an amused gleam in his eye as he brought his beer up to his lips. "Nope, that sounds about right. I'm assuming that means your offer wasn't accepted."

I dug into my forehead with my index finger. "Didn't even budge. She's a bit of a hard ass—mentioned something about needing a reference letter."

Andrew clicked his tongue. "I guess you're shit outta luck."

"It's a load of bullshit," I said. "It's not like I'm failing anything else... surprisingly."

"Fenton strives for academic excellence," Andrew reminded me, wagging a finger in the air. "Even from their athletes. It's a wonder we're even here."

"Nah," I said. "You managed just fine back in high school. I'm the flooky one. If it wasn't for this scholarship, I don't even think I would have made it into community college."

I wouldn't have even gone to community college. This scholarship set me up in ways I didn't dream possible when I was a high school freshman. It's the only reason why I didn't shoot down tutoring from the start. Don't get me wrong, Whitmore cornering me was intimidating, but even without him staring daggers at me, I wouldn't have turned it down.

"You would have managed just fine. If this doesn't end up working out, you could always get into modelling." Andrew winked.

I shook my head at his usual sense of humour. Some things never change.

A comfortable silence settled between us and the bartender sauntered over.

"Can I get you anything?" The tall brunette cooed from the other side of the bar.

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