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"I don't think I've ever been over on this side of campus," Cali said as she rubbed her arms. The thick fabric of her sweater moved with the pressure and I felt a pang of guilt for dragging her all the way out here without a coat. She had started shivering meer moments into our walk across campus. The image of her trying to keep up with my long strides forced the corner of my mouth to twitch upwards. I shouldn't have found it amusing, but the way she scrambled to keep up at times was... cute.

As she gazed in the direction of the chalkboard menu that was posted above the register, I took her in. Her cheeks, high and full, were a rosy pink from being out in the cold. My eyes traced the edge of her face, coming around to her sharp jawline. But what really drew me in were her lips. They were full and pouty—appearing pillowy soft.

What the hell was I thinking?

I darted my gaze to the faux brick wall behind her—breaking whatever trance I was under. The conversation that I had with my mother the other night filtered through my head. This was a bad idea. I don't know how we ended up here or why I even offered to have dinner with Cali in the first place, but I was beginning to regret it.

Maybe, somehow, the tutoring session that night had put me in a good mood, or perhaps it was the sound of hearing her stomach growl and learning that she had passed on dinner to come and find me. Whatever the case was, I was on a very slippery slope.

"Do you come here often?"

The sound of her soft voice had me dragging my eyes back to her. "No," I answered. "But I do come here whenever I need a break."

Her doe-eyes were asking me to elaborate. "From training?"

From everything.

Instead of opening that can of worms I nodded.

The Break Room was a quiet spot in the basement of the main law building at Fenton, and one of my best kept secrets. Considering the campus was massive, you'd think there would be plenty of places to hide. It was secluded and far enough from the hustle and bustle that most students didn't even know this place existed. Besides some law students who were too preoccupied with their noses pressed against a laptop screen.

Leaving me with some peace and fucking quiet.

"Let me know what you want to eat." I leaned into the table, hands clasped together in front of me. "I'll go put the order in."

Cali hummed, eyes squinting as she regarded the board. "I'm a big fan of grilled cheese and tomato soup. Have you ever had it here?"

"I don't stray too far from my double stacked burger and waffle fries."

Cali sent me another one of her sweet smiles. "I guess that makes sense. Protein and all that."

"It's more work than you would think," I said around a humourless laugh.

"Oh yeah?" She tilted her head.

I leaned back in my seat, rubbing at the back of my neck. "Coach has me on a pretty very strict meal plan that mostly consists of beef, rice, egg whites and spinach. I go out every now and then, but I try to stick to it the best I can."

Cali scrunched up her nose. "Seems limiting."

"I don't mind it." I shrugged. It wasn't the most exciting diet, but it kept me feeling good. "Grilled cheese and tomato soup then?"

"Yes, please."

"And what do you want to drink?"

A new shade of pink blossomed across her cheeks. "This might sound like a weird request, but could I get a black coffee?"

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