Chapter Three

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YEAR: 2014

I arrived in New York, and began my search.
I had done some research about Nicholas Fury on my way over.
He was the director of SHIELD, and responsible for the Avengers Initiative. I knew this meant he must know Natasha, as she had become an Avenger a couple of years ago. I didn't know how close they were, or if they were still close now.
But nothing would stop me from completing my mission.
Not even her.
I went to a building called the Triskelion, as I found that's where he works.
He was there.
He got in his car, and I hijacked one to follow him.
We drove through the city, presumably heading back to the apartment.
I was going to wait until he was alone, and we weren't in public, but it seems that other people had other ideas.
I stopped short as police cars raced past me and surrounded Fury's car.
But the people that got out of them weren't police. I recognised them instantly as Hydra agents.
They started shooting at the car in front of me.
Maybe they would complete my mission for me. But I had to confirm his death, so I grabbed my gun and got out of my car.
Before I got very far, though, someone else showed up. Someone I knew and recognised, despite the fact that they were wearing a mask, I knew the person behind it.

YEAR: 1999
MONTH: January

I was shooting in the training room when one of the older girls informed me that Dreykov had asked for me.
I hurried off, forgetting to put my gun down.
I marched into Dreykov's office without knocking, but paused quickly when I saw four other men I didn't recognise.
"Ah, y/n" Dreykov smiled. "My star pupil."
"This is her?" one of the men asked.
"She looks five" another remarked.
"I'm actually seven" I told them.
"That does not matter, because her abilities far outshine her age" Dreykov explained, then he turned to me. "Y/n, you will go with these men."
"Because they want to see the best we have to offer, and that's you."
"Will I come back?"
"You won't be gone more than a few months."
"Okay. Who are they?"
"They work for Hydra."
I nodded - I had read about Hydra in a book, and seen several newspaper clippings. They didn't seem like good people, but I had to trust Dreykov's decision.
"Wait..." a man objected. "How do we know she's all you make her out to be? Is she really that good?"
"Y/n" Dreykov smiled at me. "Show them."
I looked down at the gun in my hand. Then within a second I had shot the man dead. I pointed at the next one and looked at Dreykov questioningly.
"I think that will do. Well done" he nodded approvingly.
"Okay. We'll take her."
"Can I say goodbye to Natasha?" I asked pleadingly.
"There is no time. She will still be here when you get back."
Someone came up behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder. I quickly turned and kicked between his legs so he would step back.
"I can walk by myself" I frowned.
Dreykov smirked admiringly, and I smiled goodbye.
Then I left with the men.
We walked through the hallways of the building as the men took me to my room.
The whole place was dark, and when we got to my room I saw that there was only one bulb on the ceiling, that kept flickering.
"This place is crap" I muttered.
"You get dinner at seven, if you arrive on time. If you're late, then you don't get it."
"You will start training tomorrow. We will wake you up at 6am."
"Any questions?"
"I don't think so."
The men left and I sat on my bed. It was very uncomfortable, very stiff compared to the beds at the Red Room. I felt myself missing it already.
There was a clock on my wall, and the time read 6.30pm.
I wanted to explore for a while before going to dinner. So that's what I did.
There didn't seem to be that many people around as I walked through doors and hallways and large empty rooms. The occasional two or three people were huddled around talking, but they didn't seem to notice me.
Eventually I came to what looked like a block of cells. They were all empty except one, so I approached it to see the man inside.
He was staring at nothing until I walked over, then he looked up confused.
"Hi" I beamed.
The man stood up and came over to the bars that separated us. He bent down in front of me.
"H-hi" he half-smiled. "What's your name?"
"I'm y/n. Who are you?"
"Y/n, how old are you?"
"A-and, what- what are you doing here?"
"I could ask you the same thing." 
"Y/n!" someone yelled in the distance.
"I should probably go" I frowned. "But you never told me your name..."
"I, uh, don't remember."
"Oh. I'm sorry."
"Y/n!" a man appeared at the other end of the room and stormed angrily towards me. "Y/n, you need to go to dinner. You'll be late."
"Okay. Sorry" I apologised and turned to go.
"What is she doing here?" I heard the prisoner ask as I walked off.
"You brought her here" the man said.
That made no sense.
I slowed down to see if I could hear more of the conversation, but I just heard the man's footsteps follow up behind me.
"Who was that?" I asked when he was standing next to me.
"The Winter Soldier."
"Hm. Why is he locked up?"
"That doesn't concern you."
"Is he dangerous?"
"Hurry up y/n. Like I told you, if you're late you don't get dinner."
"Okay. Sorry" I apologised again, then ran to get food, all the while thinking about the Winter Soldier.

YEAR: 2014

The Winter Soldier threw a grenade at Fury's car, causing it to flip over. Then he started walking towards it.
However, I could see from where I was standing, when the Soldier lifted the car, Fury was gone. There was a large hole leading into the ground.
The Winter Soldier turned in annoyance, which is when he spotted me.
He did not hesitate to walk towards me.
This caused the other Hydra agents to notice me too, and they raised their guns.
The Soldier noticed this, and raised his gun at them.
I smiled briefly, then quickly turned to run and get out of there.
Only a few shots were fired at my back, but not one hit me.
I jumped onto and stole a motorbike, escaping the situation quicker.
I returned to my jet to try and relocate Fury.
It successfully managed to pinpoint his exact location again, and I headed there instantly.
By the time I was perched on the rooftop opposite the location, it was night.

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