Chapter Forty-Two

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Bucky focused his attention on Sharon.
He needed the distraction. He needed to get his mind off of you. Because of course, he couldn't stop thinking about you. But with his eyes closed, he couldn't help imaging that it was you in front of him instead.
A moment later, a hand pressed against his shoulder. He assumed it was Sharon, until he was pushed back away from her.
You suddenly appeared in between them, and before either got a word out, you swung your fist at Sharon's face. Her head banged back against the wall.
"What the fuck?!" she yelled. "Who do you-"
You cut her off as you swung your fist around again.
You glared at her as she regained her balance; she glared back, spitting some blood from her mouth while her eyes fixed with yours.
Then she stepped forward and kicked her foot into your stomach. You grabbed her leg and pulled her to the ground with you. You rolled on top of her and started to punch her face with full force. Repeatedly.
Until someone grabbed your elbow. Bucky had finally processed what just happened, and was now pulling you back up onto your feet. He pulled you until your back was pressed up against his chest with his metal arm holding you in place.
"What the hell are you doing?" he hissed in your ear.
"Get off!" you struggled, until finally his grip loosened and you stepped away from him.
Sharon was standing now, glaring at you now with more anger than before.
"Do that again. See what happens" she scowled.
You tilted your head threateningly.
She ignored you as she looked over your shoulder and shook her head with disbelief at Bucky.
"Who is this?"
"It's my party" you answered.
"Sure it is" she laughed. But when she looked at Bucky for confirmation and he didn't say anything, she stopped laughing as she looked back at you. "Y/n Stark?"
"Well done" you smiled sarcastically. "You can go now."
"First, tell me why you attacked me."
"Because your tongue was halfway down my boyfriends throat... now get out of here!"
"I'm sorry, your what?"
"You heard me. Now get your ugly ass out the door, into your car, and back to your shit hole of a home."
Sharon scoffed and aggressively pushed past you to leave. Finally.
Your back was still facing Bucky, and you walked off without turning around.
"Y/n wait" he called, and you heard his footsteps following you.
You sped up slightly as you reached the rest of the party, and you disappeared into the crowd.
Bucky tried desperately not to lose you, following the small glimpses of your beautiful red dress.
He saw you slip onto an elevator just before the doors closed in front of him.
He ran to the other and hit the button over and over until it pinged open. He ran in, but paused facing the buttons. He had no idea where you went.
He decided to go to the ground floor in case you were going to leave the tower.
He made the right choice.
Bucky walked out the elevator just as you walked out the tower doors onto the street.
"Y/n!" he yelled. You turned your head back for a moment but didn't stop walking.
"Y/n!" he called again.
He caught up with you and grabbed your hand to stop you.
"What do you want?" you rolled your eyes at him.
"Where do you think you're going?"
"On a walk. That a problem? Didn't think so" you didn't give him the chance to answer. You turned and tried to tug your arm away from him, but you were unfortunately unsuccessful. "Get off!"
You started to lose your balance as you struggled, so Bucky pulled you towards him and placed his hands around your waist. You slightly fell onto his chest, grabbing his shirt with both hands and pressing your face into it.
Bucky gently kissed your forehead and mumbled into your hair. "You gonna tell me what just happened?"
"She kissed my boyfriend."
"Y/n we broke up."
"I don't want that."
"But I don't want the same thing as you. I want people to know how I feel about you and I want to be able to protect you and look after you and be with you in public. I don't want to hide anymore."
"I don't care about that."
"Of course not. It's gotta be what you want."
"No... no I don't care about hiding anything anymore. I want to be with you. I don't care about anything else. Just... you."
Bucky was hesitant. He didn't say anything. You stepped back so you could look into his eyes.
"I will go back into that party right now and tell every single person in there that you are mine."
He still didn't say anything, so you pushed him back and turned to walk back into the tower.
Bucky stopped you before you could, grabbing your hand once again, pulling you closer, faces nearing each other until your lips met.
You kissed him like your life depended on it. You kissed him with passion and longing. You missed this feeling of butterflies in your stomach and just the safety and security of being this close to him.
You missed his soft touch, his sweetly scented cologne, his cold metal fingers brushing through your hair.
Though you had not truly been apart, you missed him.
So you told him.
"I missed you so much baby."
He kissed you again. Then parted lips just for a moment long enough to reply.
"I missed you too doll."
If possible, he pulled you closer, hands tightly around your waist, pulling your face closer to his so he lifted you to stand on your tiptoes.
He stopped and whispered in your ear. "Wanna go back inside?"
"Yeah okay" you smiled.
You stood by his side and took his hand.
You were about to cross back over the road but Bucky laughed and put his hand in front of you.
"Careful doll" he chuckled.
You noticed the car coming down the street and laughed back.
It flashed its headlights at you as it neared.
The driver was staring directly at you, making intense, kinda creepy eye contact. You didn't realise until it was too late. He slowly turned the steering wheel.
"Bucky!" you screamed.
The car drove straight towards you.
The door opened and the driver jumped out, but the car didn't stop.
You felt paralysed in that moment, like you couldn't do anything but let it hit you.
Bucky was quicker to take action.
He shoved you out the way and you collapsed onto your side down on the concrete.
You rolled over just in time to see the car hit him at full force, slamming his body back into the building behind him. It followed him through the glass of the store window.
"NO!" you cried. You immediately tried to get up to go after him.
You got up. But couldn't go after him.
Someone came up behind you and wrapped their arms around your arms and chest.
"NO!" you repeated, more fear in your voice than before.
You heard a chuckle, and the breath of the person behind you cascaded down the skin of your neck.
"Hail Hydra sweetheart" they muttered close to your ear.
You felt a small sting in your arm, then nothing.

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