Chapter 31 - The kiss

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Charlotte's POV

As soon as Alexis and I walked into the living room, an elegant woman greeted us warmly. Alexis told me his mother was in his early fifties, but she looked younger. She was beautiful and sophisticated, and when she smiled, it reminded me of Alexis' smile. However, as an appearance he looked like his father: his eye colour, his penetrating gaze, hair colour and other features.

"Mom, let me introduce Charlotte to you." Alexis said firmly, resting his hand on my lower back. "And this is my mother, Anastasia."

"Nice to meet you, honey." She gave me a brilliant smile as she approached me and hugged me.

"Nice to meet you too, Mrs. Sta...."

"Just call me Anastasia." She cut me off and gave me a friendly look. I smiled, nodding. "I looked forward to meeting you. You are so pretty."

"Thank you so much." I gave her a shy smile.

Afterwards, she approached Alexis and hugged him, saying something in Greek. He smiled, hugging her back, and looked at me tenderly.

I was listening to Anastasia while she was telling me about Alexis' childhood adventures. I guessed Alexis was a real troublemaker when he was a child after hearing about his childhood.

"That is enough, Mom!" He stood up abruptly as his mother wanted to tell me what he did in school when he was a teenager. "Charlotte must be tired. It will be better if we rest." He added firmly, grabbing my hand, and pulled me, making me stand up.

"Oh, I am sorry, honey. I kept you late." She gave me an apologetic look.

"No, don't worry. I had a good time. And it was fun to hear about Alexis' adventures." I smiled warmly and gave Alexis a mischievous smirk. He rolled his eyes.

"The maid prepared your room." His mother informed politely.

"Which guest room?" Alexis asked, still holding my hand.

"Guest room? No, I ordered the maid to prepare your room, of course."

"We will stay in the same room?!" Alexis and I exclaimed in unison. I gulped nervously and looked at Alexis.

Staying in the same room with this Devil?

No! Definitely no!

Alexis cleared his throat and suggested uneasily. "Mom, she can use the guest room near my room. It is spacious and has a beautiful view."

"My boy, even your grandpa would guess you two share the same bed. Do you think I am that  much naive? We know very well that the youths prefer to stay in the same room as much as possible nowadays." She said in amusement. "Sweet dreams." She added warmly.

"Sweet dreams." Alexis and I said in unison, making her chuckle.

Alexis released my hand as we walked into his room. I looked around nervously while he closed the door behind him.

I tried to ignore my pounding heart and focused on the interior design of the room. It was decorated in dark gray and cream tones. There were a few abstract paintings on the walls.

"You may sleep on the bed. I will take the couch. But we have to be careful that no one understands it." Alexis commented, placing his hand in his pocket.

"Are you sure? Won't you be uncomfortable on the couch?" I asked, concerned.

"Yes, most probably it will be. Do you have another suggestion?" He asked huskily and ran his tongue over his lower lip.

"No. I was just being polite." I commented cockily.

He burst out laughing. "Don't worry, koukla mou."

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