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A shy smile spread on my face , but it then turned into one of sadness.

"so.. you only love me because of aera?" I asked. I looked down as I asked him, kind of sad that he only saw aera when he looked at me.

but then I felt a cold hand cup my face and slowly pull it up to meet jakes gaze. "I love you because you're you y/n. yes I might see aera at first glance, but you and her are different. you're brighter and your personalities are different. y/n, I might get cursed in my dreams by saying this.. but y/n you are the better her. I didn't think it was possible, but my love for you is 10 times stronger with you." He explained.

I tried to hide the smile that was spreading across my face , but since his hand was holding my face in place I couldn't help but smile.

his gummy smile appeared . "after all this time THE Jake sim loves me" I asked, teasing him.

"yah stopp, it took all of me to push you away when K attacked us" he whined. I laughed.

"and what if I don't want to hm?" I asked, not suppressing . he chuckled , I couldn't help but notice the suddenly dark aura that was coated in it.

the next thing I new, Jake had pushed me down onto the bed and was hovering over me within .2 seconds.

I gasped at how fast his moves were. "ok you're really going to have to slow down a bit because what you just did, nearly gave me a heart attack" I said, jokingly.

he didn't laugh, instead he was staring at me and his eyes slowly trailed down to my lips.

jakes moved one hand down to my waist, and the other to my cheek. he slowly leaned in, still staring at my lips.

now he was moving too slow, it felt like years and he hadn't even kissed me yet. I got impatient and grabbed the nape of his neck and slammed my lips onto his.

I will admit, that might've been a mistake. I didn't realize how roughly I was kissing him until he pulled away shortly after looking like he was in pain.

"Jake are you ok? you look faint." I said, cupping his cheeks in my hands. "y/n, you can't do that.. do you know how much it took for me not to loose my control? you're driving me crazy babe" he said, his glowing eyes looking directly into mine.

"sorry" I mumbled, suddenly shy. he giggled, then pulled my chin up and connected our lips once more. I was in euphoria.

I kissed back , smiling slightly into the kiss. we kissed for about 2 minutes, but then Jake suddenly pulled away and abruptly stood up. "I just heard the front door open" he said.

"they're here, you need to go so they don't suspect us. I don't want to tell them about us yet, I want to give you and me time to get used to this ok? and I also am not ready to tell them who I really am." Jake whispered, barely audible.

I nodded my head and quickly rushed out of his room, but not before turning around and placing a small peck on his lips.

a small smile on my lips as I rushed out of his room and running into my own right across the hall.

I silently closed the door and jumped on my bed in pure joy, this was a day that I wasn't expecting.

I laid on my bed, and thought.

'So now all we need to do is either bond together for eternal life, or I become one of him with the sacred words of Niki' I thought.

I was thinking over my options over and over again, trying to figure o it which one I wanted more.

if I stayed human and just bonded to Jake, I would eventually die , while he would still be here. if I change into a vampire, I'd lose my whole normal life. but I would get to stay with Jake forever.

I sighed, why am I having to make life changing decisions all the time. I rubbed my forehead with my hand , starting to get a headache.

I got under my blanket and decided to rest for a while because I started to get a massive headache in my head. "why is it so sudden?" I asked myself.

I then went to sleep, trying to get away from the pain...

Hana POV

"guys we're back!!" I yelled, as the whole gang walked into the door. I heard some shuffling noises upstairs, so I went up to make sure Jake wasn't trying to kill y/n. (sarcasm guys)

I went upstairs and I could hear someone's thoughts. 'what should I do? bond or not ?'

I immediately realized it was y/n's thoughts. I went into her room and saw her laying on her bed.

"hey y/n!" I greeted her. she waved back at me. "uh y/n? why are you thinking about bonding?" I asked, and she seemed to freeze at my question.

"ohh.. yeah uh I asked sunghoon about it a while ago and I'm just thinking about it. totally normal" she said, her voice was about 10 octaves higher.

I looked at her weirdly. "uh ok then. goodnight y/n." I said, knowing she was about to go to sleep since it was already late.

"night" she replied, and I closed the door.

that was weird..


as soon as Hana left my room, I walked to my door and slightly opened it, trying to be as quiet as possible.

I slightly peeled my head out of the door, looking to see if anyone was there in the hallway. Luckily, there wasn't anyone there.

I silently crept across the hallway, and knocked on jakes door as quietly as I could. I heard footsteps after I had knocked, and soon Jake opened the door .

he smiled once he saw me. "hey Jake" I said, kind of whispering. his smile grew bigger and I was about to start speaking but Jake quickly pulled my arm , causing me to fall into his embrace.

he hugged me tightly, as if it was the first time seeing me after a long time.

"Jake we need to talk..."

double update bc ..,,

because y'all are amazing ...

gracias for reading this book , I honestly was thinking of just throwing it all away.



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