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3 years later...

"next time please try to be quieter ! I could barely get any sleep because of you two!" I scolded Jay and Ryunjin.

"tell that to Jay! he's the one that kept making it faster!" Ryunjin defended herself.

we both glared at Jay.

"it's not my fault ! she said she likes running at night , so I thought it was a good idea to run on the treadmeal!" Jay explained.

"yeah but I'm not as fast as you! you can't just keep speeding up the treadmeal when I can't run that fast!" Ryunjin said.

Jay and Ryunjin continued to argue while I just went to the kitchen to cook lunch for everyone.

I decided on making 김치 볶음밥 (kimchi fried rice), since it's pretty easy to make.

I was preparing and gathering the stuff I needed and started cutting the kimchi.

(guys don't come at me , idk how tf to make this)

while I was cutting the kimchi , a pair of arms wrapped around my waist from behind.

I already knew who it was because of the all too familiar perfume that belonged to the one and only sim Jaeyun.

"what are you cooking bub?" He asked.

"kimchi fried rice!" I told him. "mmm I bet it's going to taste amazing. you're good at cooking, I wish I were as good as you" he pouted.

"ayee I can teach you. wanna help me make the rice?" I asked him. he nodded and I smiled and started explaining to him how to make the rice.


"GUYS FOODS READY!!" I yelled , soon all me and Jake heard were a bunch of footsteps raving down to the kitchen.

"yayy I love kimchi fried rice!" Niki exclaimed. "thank you for the food y/n!" Sunoo said.

" of course, now dig in!" I said. Everyone got a serving and I got mine last and waited until everyone took a bite, wondering how it tasted.

"wah, it's so good!" Jungwon praised.

"it's delicious y/n. how did you make it?" Jay asked. "well actually Jake helped me , he made the rice." I said, glancing at Jake who sat beside me.

"since when did Jake learn how to cook? Last time he tried , he burnt niki's bungeoppang, and Niki was mad at everyone for a whole week." Heeseung teased.

everyone laughed except Jake who was death glaring heeseung.

everyone continued to have small talks while eating the food me and Jake had made.


After everyone had finished their food , I collected all of the dishes and put them in the sink and started washing the dishes.

I personally kind of liked doing the dishes because I like to play in the soapy water ...


I was peacefully washing the dishes , minding my own business , when I remembered something.

Flashback 3 years ago

I was washing dishes for about 10 minutes enjoying my time by myself . my time was interrupted by a ring of my doorbell and 2 knocks at my front door.

I arched my eyebrows. "who the hell could that be?" I asked myself. I dried off my hands and headed to the door.

I peeked out the tiny peephole and saw no one infront of my door. I sighed and unlocked the door and slowly opened it.

I hesitantly poked my head out and looked infront of me to see no one. I looked to my right, no one. I looked to my right, and guess what? no one.

I sighed out of frustration, running my hands through my hair, moving my gaze down to my feet, about to turn around.

but a tiny slip of paper at the foot of my door stopped my motion.

"huh?" I mumbled. I bent down and picked up the mysterious paper and put it inside my pocket.

"that was weird" I said, closing the door and locking it. "I'll look at the paper once I'm done with the dishes" I agreed to myself.

I walked back to the sink, drying the dishes I had just cleaned minutes ago. it took about 10 more minutes for me to finish doing the dishes.

I sighed out of relief. "finally!" I exclaimed.

"now let's see what this paper is" I said and grabbed my phone and walked to my room.

I got to my room and sat on my bed. I pulled the piece of paper out of my pocket that I had shoved it in.

I unraveled it and flattened it out. it was an invitation..

dear guest,
it is my pleasant honor to invite you to our annual red fest. tonight at midnight, when the moon is at its highest. we would love to see you there. stay bloody.


"What the..."

Back to present day

I smiled as I recalled when everything had started because of that little note.

"babe are you almost done? I wanna cuddle" Jake whined, wrapping his arms around me , embracing me with his warmth.

I nodded my head and finished the last dish and dried off my hands before walking with Jake to our shared room.

Jake hurriedly jumped on the bed and opened his arms for me to come in.

I giggled and laid down next to him, scooting closer so I could be in his warm embrace.

"Jake.." I said, trying to gain his attention.

"yes love?" He replied.

"I'm glad the world gave me you as my soulmate. you make my bad days not so bad, you make my good days even brighter, you're my other half and I don't know what I would do if I hadn't met you" I confessed.

he smiled as I was speaking . when I finished he pecked my lips and said "I love you"

I smiled and said "I love you too my love..." and we spent the rest of eternity together through ups and downs, not letting anything tear us apart...


AHHH I cant believe I just finished this book. honestly this was the most challenging book I've had to write yet because I wanted it to be romance , but including that scary factor was a bit of a challenge for me but I'm glad I pushed to make this book for y'all.

I hope y'all enjoyed it!!

see y'all in the next one.. <33

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