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(Clark entered Oliver's jet on the runway)

Clark: "Oliver. We need your help with something."

Oliver: "...we? Look Clark, I know you're fast but last time I checked..you were still one gu.."

(Lois entered, panting hard)

Lois: "Wait...for me...Small....ville."

Oliver: "Ah. Well that..that clears things up."

Clark: "I need to find Morgan Edge. We're working with Bruce Wayne to find him. He mentioned he knew you."

Oliver: "...ah. Yes..Mister Wayne. I tried to arrange a business meeting with him about a year ago. Apparently he's unavailable at nights."

Lois: "Oh you have..no ide.."

(She caught herself mid sentence)

Lois: "...tangerine?"

Oliver: "...okay guys what's really going on?"

Clark: "Let's just say you have a little more in common with Bruce than you think."

Oliver: "...sure. I get it. We billionaire CEO's all look alike is that it?"

Lois: "Ookay, Ollie. Maybe time to switch to decaf. Or maybe it's those rage inducing drugs again?"

Clark: "The ones you nearly killed Lex with...before you did it for real."

(Lois's jaw dropped)

Oliver: "...yeah. Yeah, that's..that's fantastic. Look Clark, not all us mere mortals can bend steel with our bare hands."

(Clark was taken aback a little)

Lois: "Ha, joke's on you, Ollie! I already know he's the Blur! I mean Red Blue Blur. I mean..the sexy dude who runs around in his pajamas. Okay just where on the freakin Earth..is Edgy?"

Oliver: "His body went missing years ago...near crater lake."

Clark: "...Meteor rock."

(Whooshes away)

Lois: "Whoa! That's gonna take some getting used to....anyway. Ollie, you murdered Lex?!"

Oliver: "Oh don't even lecture me, Lois. Lex is the one who forced Lana away from Clark. If it wasn't for that whole mess, you two wouldn't be so cozy right now."

(Lois angrily shoved him a bit)

Lois: "Don't ever..assume to know how I feel about Clark."

Oliver: "...yeah well, I'm only basing it off what you told me on the porch."

Lois: "...how dare you, Ollie. I thought I knew you better."

(She backed away from him with an expression of hurt before shaking her head and leaving the jet)

(Pops her head back in)

Lois: "Oh and by the way. That whole love triangle with Clark, Lana and Lex? That thing had more twists and turns than a ride at Canada's Wonderland."

Smallville/The Dark Knight (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now