Until Next Time

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(Clark and Bruce shook hands in his driveway at the farm)

Clark: "Thanks for all your help."

Bruce: "Same to you. And sorry about all the..things I said in front of Lois. Let me know how that works out."

Clark: "...yeah I..I hope it'll be okay.."

Bruce: "It will. Just don't do what I would do and you'll be fine."

(Pats him on the shoulder and walks over to the Tumbler)

(Oliver pulls up and sees Bruce about to leave)

Oliver: "Bruce Wayne? Hey! I don't know if you remember me I'm.."

Bruce: "Queens. Yeah. The other guy. I'll throw you a fundraiser next time you're in Gotham."

(Pats him on the shoulder and gets in the Tumbler)

Alfred: "Ready to go, Master Bruce?"

Bruce: "Ready as ever."

Alfred: "And um..about what we spoke about earlier.."

Bruce: "...I'll get over it."

(Alfred paused then nodded and sat back in his seat)

Lucius: "Maybe I..could install a couple of pillows."

Alfred: "Quite. In the uh..meantime, sir, May I suggest you try to avoid crashing...in a fence?"

(Bruce nodded with the hint of a grin before the Tumbler drove away)

(Clark watched as the Yellowish tank vanished into the distance)

Oliver: "I can see why you prefer that guy. Must be fun meeting a billionaire superhero who doesn't bust your chops a lot."

Clark: "...look Oliver.."

Oliver: "Clark it's..it's all good. Okay? I know we've..got a ways to go after everything..I just wanted to stop by and say I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said what I did..particularly almost outing you in front of Lois."

Clark: "..well I'm just glad things will be getting back to normal around here. That cape and that logo on his chest.."

(Clark scoffed)

Oliver: "Really? I think it kinda works. You should try it some time."

Clark: "Heh. That'll be the day."

Smallville/The Dark Knight (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now