chapter 28

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Alex's POV:
It was race day here in Barcelona. I could feel that this was a special Grand Prix for the people working at Ferrari. Maybe not the ones working at Ferrari, but they wanted Carlos to do good at hos own home Grand Prix.

It felt good walking down the paddock. I wasn't scared of the media, Charles made me more confident and comfortable in the paddock. I was walking somewhere, but I didn't really know where. Charles wanted me to come to him and I had only gotten a location. I arrived outside a conference room. I didn't know where I was or where Charles was.

Where are you?
I'm at a conference room

Go to the bathrooms next to it

I was really confused and I didn't understand what Charles was trying to do. I walked over to the bathroom and in there was Charles.

-W-what, that was all I could say before Charles smashed his lips on mine.

-I'm sorry, he said leaving my lips. I just wanted to sneak around one last time before we go public.

I locked the door behind me and now I was the one smashing my lips on his. I could feel that he liked this confident me who took command. He left my lips once again, but this time he started kissing my neck. I started tugging on his shirt, trying to indicate that it needed to go. He understood the signal and quickly took it off. I decided to take off my blouse as well. Then I started kissing his lips, then his neck and abs. I could feel that I maybe was too aggressive, but I didn't think anything of it.

We continued making out in the bathroom until Charles's phone rang. He had to leave to got to the meeting. He was quite late.

-Oh Charles no wait you can't leave like that, I said pointing at his neck.

Charles had gotten a very visible hickey on his neck. I could see his panic in his eyes. He was already late, it wasn't like he could just run and get a hoodie or something.

-Merde, he swore. I'll just have to leave like this. It is just right around the corner and in there it will only be Ferrari people. Then I'll have to come up with something.

-Hey Charles, I said now seeing that I also had a visible hickey. Look.

It was placed along my collarbone and with my v-neck shirt it was very easily spotted. What was I going to do? There were photographers wherever you saw. I couldn't walk around like this.

-Wait here, Charles said as he left the small public restroom we were in.

I didn't know where he went. Or what his plan was, but I hoped it would be good. I started to get worried when he hadn't returned for a couple of minutes and just when I was about to start thinking the worst he returned.

-Here put this on, Charles said handing me a bright orange Mclaren hoodie.

-Where did ju get this from? I asked putting the hoodie on.

-Erm so I maybe asked Lando who was passing by to go buy a hoodie, Charles said scratching the back of his head.

-Okay, I said. Well you need to go no you can't be even more late Charles.

I kissed his lips and let him walk out of the restroom. I left a couple of minutes later. Walking by in the paddock I felt uncomfortable wearing this hoodie. It wasn't like I didn't like Mclaren, but I supported Charles.

I decided to go back to Charles's driver room. The motorhome wasn't that far away so I got there pretty quick. When I entered the motorhome I met Carlos who looked at me weird.

-You and Charles already over? He asked slightly laughing.

-What no? I said confused.

-Then why the hoodie? he asked pointing at it.

-The hoodie yeah right, I said not wanting to tell him the true reason. Erm I got cold so I bought a hoodie and they only had these.

I could see that Carlos didn't buy my lie but he didn't ask further. I continued to the room and texted Charles that I was there. I didn't do much until the race. I took a nap and did some schoolwork. I think Charles had been here, but I think I was sleeping.

It was now time for the race. I was nervous. Charles started P3 so he had many possibilities for this race. I wanted Charles to win, but I knew it would be special for Carlos to win at home.

It's lights out and away we go...

Charles got an okay start and keep his position. The first lap was hectic, but there wasn't any larger incidents. The top trio, Carlos, Max and Charles had started to pull away. It seemed like it would be them fighting for the win. Charles had some great possibilities to overtake Max, but couldn't really make it past.

I became more nervous by each lap. The fought hard and I could feel my leg jumping up and down. The race continued on and people started pitting. Charles pitted first of the three. He seemed to have a good pitstop, which made me relax a bit. He didn't lose that many placements by pitting and would gain them after they pitted.

Both Max and Carlos pitted on the same lap. Max had an okay pit and Carlos had a really slow one. Losing a lot of time. This meant that Charles was in the lead now. He started pulling away from both the Red Bull and the other Ferrari.

Charles continued pulling away and by the time the chequered flag was waved Charles was the first driver to cross it. I couldn't believe it. He had now won two race in a row. His lead in the championship only grew by race. I couldn't be more proud of Charles. He was working so hard and dreaming of being champion. I really hope that it would be his year.

The podium ceremony was as great as last time. I really enjoyed seeing Charles on top of the podium. We had gotten back to the hotel pretty late, but neither of us minded. We had orded some rooms service to celebrate Charles's win and now we were getting ready for bed.

I stood in the bedroom brushing my teeth while scrolling on my phone. Then I saw this article about Charles with a picture of his hickey. I tried my best not to laugh while I read the article.

-Hey Charl, I said screaming as he was in the bathroom. I think you would want to see this.

I couldn't hold myself from laughing anymore. Charles almost came running out of the other room wondering why so was laughing so much.

-What is it? He finally said.

I showed him the picture and the article about how must have a girlfriend.

-This fan has written this article about how you have a girlfriend, I said still laughing.

-I mean yeah it's true, he said sneaky. But I mean why did they have to get that picture of me. The boys are so going to bully me now.

-It's fine Charles I'll always be on your side, I said while kissing him.

We went to bed that night together happily. I was excited about going back to Monaco and I was excited about not needing to sneak around in the paddock anymore. Things were changing for the better.


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