Chapter 13

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Namjoon's pov
We didn't even move a bit just kept waiting in front of tae's room when manager hyung came and told us that taehyung's parents were here. They came to us.

His mother was a crying mess eyes red and puffy like she has been crying since days. His father was looking realy sad and guilty dried tear marks on his face and his sister.......She was unrecognizable. Yes we know his sister because she was jungkook's classmate. She was beautiful but today she was looking like......I can't explain.

His family was really guilty but they still tried to stay strong for their taetae. We all greeted them with tears in our eyes and they greeted us back too.

Then they asked us about tae and I explained them everything what happened from start. They we looking very sad after that. Then I told them about his condition right now. They were so eager to at leaset see him. After what all tae had gone through because of us we all are sure that he will never forgive anyone of us.

But still I have a little hope that tae will forgive us because I know my taetae well. From what I have observed in his nature he is so pure and innocent and forgives everyone easily. We don't deserve such an angel.

Its like a rose in thorns. We are the thorns and that innocent boy is the rose. But we all will change and convert this into rose in roses (idk what I am writing lol).

Time skip to the next day

Jungkook's pov
We spent the whole night in the feeling of guilt and the ocean of tears. Taetae hyung was suffering just because of me. If I wouldn't have thrown him out he would not have to go through all of this. My hyungs are saying me that its not my fault but it clearly is.

In the middle of the night manager hyung came to us and told up to sleep so that we could be strong for taetae hyung. His parents have to leave because Yeji(hyungs sister) had her unplanned graduation ceremony the next day and after that they will have to stay there for about a month for her further courses but they promised that they will come back as soon as possible. They didn't want to leave their taetae but it was for Yeji's courier so they had to go.

We all kept waiting until Seojin hyung came to us. He was shocked to see taehyungie hyungs parents gone but jin hyung explained him about that. And then Seojin hyung gave us the news we wanted to hear. He told us that we could visit hyung but he still told us to be very careful.

With this news we all jumped un happiness. We all started heading towards the door which was separating us from our tae. But as we reached there no one had the courage to open the door. We all stood there staring at the closed door thinking weather to open the door or not. At last it was our fault tae was in this condition. If only we would have cared for him he would not have to go through all of this.

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