Chapter Four

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"You're even quieter than the dude in the corner," Amy commented.

A few seconds of silence elapsed before I snapped out of my reverie and realized she was talking about me. I was usually talkative, but my thoughts revolved around the encounter with my father from earlier today. All I could have said and done played out like a movie stuck in an endless loop. I was frozen in time, in a reality other than the one I lived in. Although at times it presented the perfect way to relieve myself of my bitter feelings as I dreamt of an alternate reality, right now it prevented me from focusing on the angel girl and Amy, who appeared as normal as a human could be.

"My name is Finn," I offered. I inspected their taut facial muscles. "And I'm just here to enjoy the drama show. Are you two enemies or long lost friends?" My charm was back, even if for a fleeting moment.

The angel girl snorted. "So he speaks."

"Yeah, thanks for stating the obvious. What's your name?"

"Daphne," she muttered. Daphne's eyes darted around, looking at anything and everything except Amy. I finally focused my undivided attention on the encounter as my curiosity grew by the minute. Why would an angel know a human? Sure, they protected them from harm, but as far as I knew they weren't supposed to talk to them, only guard and shield them. "Amy, look...I—"

"What did you do to me? How are you still alive? Who—or, better yet, what—are you?"

This was getting more and more interesting. If Amy's desperate pleas for answers were anything to go off of, Daphne had done something I had no doubt was stupid.

"I can't answer that." Daphne shifted under Amy's accusing gaze, which tried to suck the answers out of her.

"What about the wings?" When all she received was silence, she turned to me with a look that clearly communicated her desire for me to back her up. "Tell me you saw them too."

"I did. In case you didn't notice, I have those things called eyes too."

She ignored my sarcasm, merely shooting me a deadpan look. I could almost see her weighing her options—should she gang up with me to get what she wanted even though she didn't seem to take a liking to me, or continue her efforts alone? "Don't you wonder what that makes her?" she finally asked.

I only grinned under my gray hoodie. For a moment I didn't reply, enjoying Daphne's uncomfortable squirming, but then I cleared my throat and looked straight at her. Despite not knowing her personally, she was still the enemy; there was a fair chance of meeting her in the inevitable battle between our realms soon. It was with that in mind that I decided to make her life more difficult since the perfect opportunity had presented itself. "Oh, I know what she is."

Daphne's eyes snapped to me in an instant. I couldn't keep a satisfied grin off my face. Her face held a silent plea, but so did Amy's. Amy was a harmless human, while Daphne was my enemy. I was obviously going to pick Amy's side, but I pretended to mull over my options just to keep Daphne on the edge for a while longer. She really believed I wouldn't do it, but that was because she was still unaware of what exactly I was—angels' most dangerous enemy.

"She's an angel, obviously." Daphne's eyes reflected her disappointment, but it didn't cause me to regret revealing her secret to a human.

"An angel?" Amy breathed. She took it surprisingly well, soon getting over the initial shock. It made me wonder how she, a human, was able to remain so calm after such an earth-shattering revelation. "'re, like, ancient. How long do angels live? And aren't you supposed to watch over humans?"

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