A Day With The Cheaters

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Tony woke up and looked at the clock ("I still have time to get ready") he thought, Tony got dressed and walked out, he got a text from Ruby to meet her and her team at the garden. Tony appeared in the garden and spotted Ruby and Blake, Tony took a deep breath and walked over to them "Hey" He said, Ruby and Blake turned around and Ruby smiled "Tony, you actually showed up" she said with a smile "I took you up on your offer" Tony replied "Thanks" Ruby said, Blake stayed silent "He's forgiven us Blake, whats wrong?" Ruby asked, didn't respond and only looked away "I didnt forgive you yet, you still have six more days" Tony reminded "Right" Ruby replied.

Yang and Weiss showed up and Yang tried to hug Tony, but he moved out of the way in frozen time, causing the blonde to fall to the ground "Really?!" Yang complained "Yes" Tony replied, Yang got up and glared at Tony "Anyway, what did you call me out here for?" Tony asked "We just wanted to spend the day with you, doing whatever you want" Ruby answered "Well..." Tony said.

Time skip

Tony and RWBY weee at a restaurant watching Tony scarf down plate after plate of ribs, with a bunch of different sauces "I haven't had a good plate of ribs in a while" Tony muffled through the shredded food in his mouth "We can tell" Ruby chuckled, Tony had stacked multiple wine glasses of cherry soda into a full pyramid, Tony couldn't believe it, he was having a good time with team RWBY, Tony saw Weiss pick up a napkin, which he snagged from her while time stopped "Hey!" Weiss called out, Tony wiped his hands and got back to work with his food, causing everyone but Weiss to laugh.

Tony stopped eating for a second to talk "I guess you all aren't as bad as I thought" Tony said, team RWBY looked surprised "I guess you've earned an early treat, Team RWBY, I forgive you" Tony said, the girls tackled Tony in a group hug, getting traces of sauce on their clothes, but they didn't care, they got Tony back "We'll never cheat again, we swear!" Ruby yelled "Good" Tony replied as he returned the hug.

Tony and RWBY returned to Beacon and were making their ways to RWBY's dorm, where they ran into a not so friendly face, Sun Wukong "Hey Blakey Baby, what are you doing with this loser?" Sun asked, Blake walked up to Sun and slapped him in the face "Ah, what the hell?!" Sun asked "Don't ever call Tony a loser again!" Blake demanded, Sun was dumbfounded, he reeled his fist back and went to punch Blake, but Tony appeared in between them and rammed his knife into Sun's arm, causing him to scream in pain.

Sun fell to his knees, and gripped his wounded limb, Tony kicked him in the head and picked him up by his hair "Tell your friends to never come near me, my beloved or my friends again" Tony ordered "Why should I do what you say?" Sun retorted "Because if you don't, then what I did to your arm, will be done to your throat" Tony answered, he dropped Sun and he limped off, still holding his arm. Tony took Blake in a hug and she cried into his chest "Tony, I love you, we love you" Blake said "I wont take you back, at least not yet, but I have forgiven you" Tony said, before he lead the team to their dorm.

"Thank you all, I really had a good day" Tony said, team RWBY smiled, Tony waved and left, just then Team RWBY looked back on how Tony answered Blake "Did he say 'Yet'?!" They all asked in unison. Tony returned to his dorm only to be tackled by Nora "Hey Tony!" Nora shouted "What are you doing in my room?" Tony asked "Just peeking" Nora answered "Do I smell cake?" Tony asked "No" he heard Pyrrha say "Alright, what's up?" Tony asked, he appeared in the middle of his dorm and saw Pyrrha baking in an apron that said "Congrats Tony"

"What is this?" Tony asked "Its a celebration on you forgiving Team RWBY" Nora answered "While I would be asking how you knew, I already know" Tony replied "You do?" Pyrrha asked "While time was frozen I managed to get a good look at my surroundings, and I caught a glimpse of a little pink heart" Tony said, pointing at Nora's chest piece, the hammer wielder chuckled nervously "But enough about me, where's Ren?" Tony asked "He's back at the dorm sleeping" Pyrrha answered "Its not like him to go to bed early" Tony retorted "He made like 70% percent of the cake and Pyrrha did the other 30" Nora stated, Tony nodded.

Tony sat on his bed and Pyrrha handed him a cake slice "So, how do you plan to keep them from cheating on you again?" Nora asked "I think that would require me being in a relationship with them" Tony said, the room chuckled "Thanks for this you two" Tony said "No problem, thats what friends are for" Pyrrha replied, Tony pulled the two into a group hug.

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