🖇️;; Chapter 1 - We meet again

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y/n's POV

"He WHAT?!", I screamed in disbelief as my little brother nodded

"That is so not true! I mean, he must be very busy with all the tours–", I was cut off by dad

"Didn't you hear? They're at Toronto", dad said as I felt my hand twitch

"H-here..?", I said as my little brother giggled making me look at him

"You heard that right sissy! Jesse is finally going to visit us again! Aren't you excited?", Kian said as I looked at him

He looks so happy and bubbly that I just had to lie

"I... Am... Are you excited to see him again, Ian?", I asked Kian as I carried him

He smiled and nodded

Why would he want to meet that jerk?! He is literally such a pain in the ass–

"Sissy! I have an assignment, would you be able to help me?", Kian said and jumped out of my hold as I pretended to think

"I don't know, can I?", I asked as Kian whined

"Come onnn! I'll give you my candies–", I cut Kian off

"DEAL!", I said as I grabbed his hands and shook it

"Not fair", Kian huffed as I laughed and patted his head

"I was kidding", I said as he smiled brightly

"y/n! Your friends are here to fetch you!", I heard mom said as I look at where the sound came from

"COMING MOM!", I screamed as I smiled at Kian

"Sissy has to go, alright? Be good while I'm gone", I said as he nodded

I ran over to the front door as Mei, Miriam, Abby, Priya and Tyler stand there

(In this au, Tyler and the others are friends cause why not coconut)

"Are you ready to go bowling?!", Mei said excitedly as Abby grabbed my hand as she started to shake

"Woah, calm down Abby! You're getting too excited. And I am Mei! I literally can not sleep last night", I said as Abby smiled

"THEN LET'S GO!", Abby said when all of a sudden a van stopped by our driveway

"Crap", I whispered as they looked at me questioning why I said that

"Explanation later, bowling right now", I said as I quickly ushered them out of the house

"Leaving so soon?!", I froze as Mei and the others slowly looked at where the voice came from

"Isn't that–", Priya was cut off by Abby as Abby screamed

"4*TOWN!", Abby said as she started fanning herself

"You didn't say you know 4*Town", Miriam said as she raised her eyebrows as I looked at her

"Wait, I thought everyone knew Jesse's family and mine are close", I said

"Really? I actually didn't know that", Tyler said as I laughed

"Come on, you don't know anything that goes around here", I said as Tyler blushed embarrassed

"Not true!", He said as I laughed harder

"So, we meet again y/n", I heard a voice behind me as I rolled my eyes

"Jesse. Yes, we meet again", I said as I looked at him with a fake smile

"So tell me, how's it like to be annoying until now? Just have to write it down for the paper, you know?", I said as I pretended to hold a mic up to his mouth

"Cut it out, y/n", Jesse said as he huffed

4*Town was behind him as they tried to stop laughing

"Damn, you were right when you said she hates you", Aaron T said as I frowned and lightly pushed Jesse with my pointing finger

"Seriously?! You make me look bad", I said as Jesse chuckled

"What can I say? It's true", Jesse shrugged as I sighed

I suddenly saw Jesse's parents get out of the van as I glared at him before walking pass him

"Hi! How are you guys? Was the ride here tiring?", I asked Jesse's parents as they smiled at me

"We're doing great, sweetheart. The ride here wasn't that bad, so don't worry. How about you?", Jesse's mom said as I smiled brightly

"I'm doing great as well!", I said when all of a sudden Jesse interfered placing his arms around my shoulder

"Mom, y/n was about to ask if she can bring me and my friends at a bowling alley nearby", Jesse said as I widened my eyes still smiling

"What?!", I whispered at him as he returned a smile

"Of course! We'll be right here when you need us", Jesse's dad said as he thanked them and grabbed my arm

"What was that?!", I said to him as he just looked at me and smiled

I walked over to my friends while they avoid my eyes

I caught Priya's eyes as she sighed

"I told them", Priya said as I sighed but nonetheless smiled at her

"It's fine, the more the merrier... I guess", I said as I smiled at them

"ALRIGHT!", Abby said as my friends suddenly surrounded me and started to say weird stories

"Ty almost tripped on the way here earlier, and guess what's the reason", Miriam said

"Ugh, it was because of a cockroach", Tyler said as we all laughed

"I mean come on! I literally need someone who isn't afraid of cockroaches to marry me", Tyler said as we all laughed

"Why are we talking about cockroaches? They are so, icky", Mei said as we laughed again

"Couldn't agree more", I said when all of a sudden we heard a yelp from 4*Town

We stopped as we looked behind us to see Robaire carrying Tae Young

"Haha, sorry about that. Tae Young just tripped over a rock", Robaire said as we looked at Tae Young

"Is he okay?", I asked as Robaire nodded

"Yeah, he just gets a bit... Dramatic", Robaire said as Tae Young gasped

"Am not!", Tae Young said as we all laughed while Tae Young hits the back of Robaire's head lightly

"Oh wait, we're almost there!", Miriam said as we all looked ahead seeing the bowling place just across the street

"Let's go!", Aaron T suddenly said as he ran to cross the street


Orange Juice Box • Jesse x !FEM! y/nWhere stories live. Discover now