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I'm late

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I'm late. I'm so stupid. I slept in again.

I'm not supposed to sleep in. I have to make breakfast for my parents. That's what good girls do. Now I'm not a good a girl anymore and bad girls get punished.


I quickly freshened up and went downstairs to make breakfast. The first thing I saw when I got in was momma sleeping on the table and daddy was nowhere in sight. I of course knew not to wake her or I'll get punished. So I quietly started preparing some pancakes, sausage and eggs.

After setting the table I tried waking momma but she wouldn't budge. So I took this opportunity to treat my wounds from last night.

I got punished because I was stupid enough to wonder what it's like to go out. To step outside the house. I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have tried to peek out of the curtains. I don't deserve to go out.

I sobbed as I saw the still fresh and bloody whiplashes on my back.

Do all children have to go through this? Momma says so. But it feels wrong. I'd never be able to hit my babies. Maybe I'm just weak.


Life is hard.

I hurriedly took some painkillers and went down to start cleaning as I was already behind schedule.

Momma was still sleeping. She's gonna be late.

I tried waking her up again. As I went to face her I saw some white frothy stuff coming from her mouth and her lips were a little blue.

I tried calling and shaking her a few time but she still wouldn't budge. Then I went to see if daddy was home.

He wasn't.

What should I do now? If I don't wake her up she'll get late and hit me again.

Just then an idea struck my head. I've seen a few other houses around ours through the window during my peeking session. Maybe I could ask people in those houses for help.


A few cars surrounded our house as I stood outside with a man who introduced himself as Sergeant Darrick.

He was saying something but I couldn't focus on it. All I could think of was momma's dead.

She was poisoned.

"When's my daddy coming home?"

Stg. Darrick signed. "Astrid, he's not coming back. He ran away."

"Why would he run away?"

" We think he killed your mother and escaped the country with all the money."

All Astrid could do was cry. She had no one. What's gonna happen to her now? Where would she go? As if reading her mind, Darrick said, "You have to come with us. We'll see if you have any relative who's willing to take you, if not then you'll go into the system."

"The system?"

Darrick sighed for the Nth time today. Apparently this girl has never been out of the house, she knew absolutely nothing. He hoped they'd find a kind relative she can live with. She deserves that.

"Astrid dear, would you like to pack you're clothes now? I could help you."
Carla was the kind old woman that helped her when she told her about her momma.

"This is all I have."

Darrick and Carla frowned. Those people didn't treat their daughter right.

"We've gotta go now Astrid. Come on."

"Dear, if you find any relative to live with, please come visit me before going." Then Carla forwarded a card to her and said, "If you can't come and visit, call me."

Astrid gave a tried yet sweet smile as she placed the card very carefully in her pocket.

Astrid Where stories live. Discover now