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Papa took me to the art museum

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Papa took me to the art museum. It was amazing. That was the first time I've ever seen any art and even though I don't understand art I thought all of them were really pretty.

Right now we were having lunch in a rooftop restaurant. I can see the city from up here and it's mesmerizing.

I was looking out at the city and munching on my pesto pasta, I love pasta, while papa was having avocado egg sandwich. I don't know how he tolerates eggs. I hate eggs.

"Where do you want to go next?"

I snapped out of my thoughts hearing papa's question. I don't know what to do next, so I shrugged.

Papa seemed to have an idea right at hand because he immediately suggested pottery.

"But I don't know how to make pottery," I said chewing on my lower lips.

"Neither do I. It'll be fun."

So off we went to pottery making.

I tried making a cup and papa was making a bowl. I looked over at him and saw him all muddy. He had clay on his face and hair and even on his clothes. I giggled seeing him work with utmost concentration.

Papa looked over at me with his eyebrows raised. "Something funny?"

I smiled and shook my head. "How's your bowl?"

"Bad, I don't think this even looks like a bowl. But is that your cup? That's so beautiful, and you said you don't know pottery."

I shrugged. "I don't and my cup's also horrible. You're just being biased."

Papa rolled his eyes and concentrated on his bowl again but then he thought something and looked at me. "Mind helping?"

I shook my head and went to help him.

This is a mess. Papa's table is a mess. No wonder he has clay everywhere.

I had to tell him to clean everything up and then start again. He looked confused like a cute little puppy.

I helped him with his work but he's a bit difficult to help. He keeps suggesting things like why can't we put some more water or I don't like how it looks. I answered some of his questions before it started annoying me a little. But I patiently told him that this is how we do it and then he quietened down. Maybe he sensed my annoyance, I hope not I don't want him to be sad.

After our pottery items dried up, I asked papa if I could paint his. He allowed me so I painted some hearts on it so he knows I love him.

After painting flowers with great difficulty, apparently I'm not good at painting, I presented it to papa and he was so happy.

"I'm going to keep it in my room."

I giggled hearing him. He's adorable.

"What do you want to do next?" Papa asked opening the door for me.

It was late afternoon, the sun was going to set soon. The first thing that popped in my mind is that I've never seen the sunset. "Can we go somewhere to see the sunset, please."

Papa nodded. "I know a place."

Papa told me to tie my seatbelt and started the car.

"Where are we going?"

He gave a smile, "you'll see."

We drove in silence for a while before papa stopped the car near a cliff. "C'mon." Papa opened my door and guided me to sit on the grass before sitting down next to me.

"This is beautiful," I sighed.

Papa looked at me with a smile. "It is."

We watched the sun set in silence. We sat there even after it got all dark. We just sat there enjoying each other's company.

"Astrid, darling." Papa called which made me look at him.

"How do you feel about meeting you family, all of them."

"You mean like my grandparents and uncles and aunts and cousins?"

Papa nodded. "How'd you know?"

"I met Sebastian the other day."

"Really, where?"

"Some restaurant. Adrian and I went there for dinner."

Papa hummed. "They want to meet you. It's okay if you're not ready yet. They'll understand."

"I want to meet them." I said in a small voice.

Papa gave me another one of his calming smiles. "I feel like there's a but here."

"Uh huh." I gulped. "What if they don't like me?"

Papa pulled me closer to his chest. "They already love you, darling."

"But what if, after they see me they think I'm not the girl they loved. And then they decide they don't like this girl. What then?" I voiced my fears with wobbly lips and shaking hands.

"Calm down, my love." Papa combed his hands through my hair. "They will love you no matter what. Okay. Don't worry your pretty little head with these silly stuff."

"But what if they don't like me!"

"It's their loss then, darling. If they don't like you then they're idiots. Now calm down and stop these tears. I hate tears in your eyes."

I sniffled.

"My silly baby," papa said kissing my forehead, nose, cheeks and eyes. "Don't cry."

Papa held me as I continued to cry. Not only in fear of not being liked but also in grief because those people are my family. I shouldn't have to worry about meeting them for the first time, I'm supposed to grow up around them. This isn't normal.

Papa held me to his chest as I sobbed. After I calmed down papa gave me a bottle of water. "Here, drink this."

I drank the whole bottle. "I'm sorry for your shirt," I said noticing a big wet patch where I had kept my head.

"It's alright, love. Are you feeling okay now? Do you want me to call Mathew?"

I shook my head. "I'm fine now."

"So no Matthew?"

I chuckled. "No Matthew. I'm going to meet him tomorrow anyway."

Papa nodded and held me closer.


The next day went by normally except my conversation with Matthew.

I've never cried that much during anything.

But I like Matthew so much. He's so nice and he understands. He's helping me get better. I should make him something to thank him. Now I need gift ideas. Maybe my brothers will know, they're about the same age.

So I did ask my brothers about Matthew's gift but they weren't very helpful. They all said the same thing, he gets paid. Just because they pay him doesn't mean I shouldn't give him anything. Guess I'll have to figure it out on my own.

Or maybe I could ask Alessandro. Then I'll get to meet Enzo too.

Enzo is so adorable.

I'll asked papa if I can meet them sometime soon and he said that they went back to Italy but summer break's starting soon and they'll be here during that so I can meet them.



Hey, sorry for the late and crappy update. I'm a little sick so I can't really think of anything. I promise I'll make up for it.

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