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disclaimer! not everything in this book is historically correct. a lot of the fashion choices are personal choices but you may imagine whatever you like - i would suggest pinterest if you like to visualise! the french in this book is google translated, so it may not be correct but i have tried my best. enjoy <3


Marie Antoinette Howard, the only daughter of the French King and Queen, stepped onto British soil for the first time since she was 6, in March 1813. Her mother and father were good friends with Her Royal Majesty herself, Queen Charlotte. Such good friends, in fact, that she felt as if the Queen was her aunt, rather than her Godmother. They definitely got on better than Marie and her mother is all she would say. 

Marie was well-known throughout Northern France as the notorious troublemaker with awful manners and a knack for driving suitors away. This talent had led to her not yet married at the bright age of twenty and six. Her mother, Ann, had finally snapped after the girl had been found painting at a street bar instead of attending her cousin's first ball after marriage. Scandalous, the only heir to the French throne being a woman and lacking a suitable husband or a child.

And so, she was sent away to England in hopes of marrying there, under the influence of the Queen's 'impeccable taste'. "Merci," Marie curtseyed after being helped out of her carriage. Her gloved hand slipped away from the bowing butler, and into the folds of her dress so she could get out of the carriage unharmed. She sighed, breathing in as much fresh English air as she could with her tight corset on. 

"Princess Howard, how you've grown" The Queen rushed forward, enveloping the young girl in a generous hug. The large pearls and beads, which littered Charlotte's eccentric dress, dug into Marie's arms. "Must you call me that? Mama wouldn't know if you called me Marie," The brunette smiled politely at her Godmother. "Alright, if you insist," Charlotte smirked before she ushered the girl inside. 

"Now, we'll have time for catch-up later but I have scheduled my most stubborn maids to get you ready for the Diamond Ceremony" The Queen smiled at Marie, the girl always bringing out her softer side. "The what?" Marie grimaced at the words 'maids' and 'get ready'. "The Diamond Ceremony, when debutantes come in front of me to be judged, and I pick my Diamond of the Season. The most eligible girl for bachelors. Your mother sent you at this time of the year for a reason my dear," The Queen rushed, chuckling at Marie's fallen face before she hurried off to get her palace prepared. 

"Come this way, Your Highness," A Scottish maid asked of Marie, pointing up the marble staircase, dodging Marie's harrowing gaze. "I cannot breathe in this corset, I thought I would be able to take it off when I get to England," She huffed, gently placing her feet on each marble. The royal palace was huge, the practice of violins echoing through the stone halls. The ginger maid helped hold Marie's dress as the Princess made her way up the steps. "Don't worry Your Highness, I'm sure you'll get some time without corsets," The girl smiled resorting to silence after the disbelieving look Marie gave her. 


After a short bath, Marie sat in a chair that looked comfortable but was most definitely not. She had been scrubbed raw, plucked, and scratched until she looked presentable and smelt of roses. "Ow," Marie complained as the harsh old maid, Connie, pulled her hair back into a plaited knot. "Can't we just leave my hair down?" She smiled innocently at Connie who had bunches of her hair in her calloused hands. "No, Your Highness" She spoke with a few pins in her mouth, "The Queen had specific orders to dress you appropriately and no other debutantes will have their hair down," She sighed, ignoring Marie's naturally irritating side. 

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