► épouse-moi

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"That is quite the beauty," Benedict commented as he stood himself next to Marie. Marie thanked him, looking at the beautiful necklace which laced her neck, gaining many jealous looks from debutantes this year. What she didn't know was that Benedict was staring right at her and hadn't actually noticed the necklace. Marie sighed with red cheeks, tired from talking to three quarters of the room about her family and her legacy and her inability to court anyone. Marie faked a smile as some family friends from America walked past. Marie secretly took the wine glass which Benedict had hidden behind his back, turning to gulp it down. "What is this elixir?" Marie sighed, the relaxing feeling of alcohol running through her. "I think wine drunk is the best kind of drunk," Marie stated, sipping her boring champagne. "You shouldn't know the answer to that," Benedict laughed, looking  rewardingly at her empty dance card. "What? Is it not lady-like?" Marie rolled her eyes, scanning the area for any approaching suitors. "Shall we?" Benedict asked, pulling Marie towards him. He stared at her for a moment, appreciating her complete eloquence, the beauty which radiated from within her. Marie's beauty went further than just attraction, but her true power of kindness and equality was what made her beauty shine. 

"Isn't it tradition at this point?" She asked, her joy gleaming in her eyes. "As long as you don't storm away from me this time," Benedict whispered into her ear as he led her to the dance floor. "No promises," Marie curtseyed and Benedict bowed, beaming smiles on their faces. Marie looked up, making eye contact with the Queen who looked at Marie with a knowing eye. Marie rolled her eyes and took Benedict's hand, taking up her position as the music was yet to begin. 

The music began as Benedict swirled Marie around, her laugh of delight making all eyes turn to them. Danbury even stopped her conversation with the Prince of Poland to watch the inevitable couple. Marie stepped away from Benedict in time with the music, wrapping her arms softly around her waist. She turned, placing her shoulder near Benedict's as he did the same. All eyes stayed near the pair as they swayed not in time with the melody but with each other. Marie gave Benedict a small smile as they held hands, his rings feeling cold against her bare hands. They bounced on their feet, moving towards each other and away again, looking directly into each others eyes. The pair span around each other slowly, Marie turning in his arms until her back was pressed against his chest. Benedict chuckled as the pairs feet glided carefully over the floor, their eyes staring at each other. The sound of his happiness made Marie let loose a laugh, the sound of stupid love-sick joy clear in her voice. The crinkle of gaiety by her eyes and the scrunch of joy in her nose made him realise he'd fallen in love with her all over again. 


Marie and Benedict ran through the halls of Sommerset House as they ran from romantic comments and jealous daughters. They laughed uncontrollably, so much that their stomachs hurt, as they held hands, pacing the clean floor swiftly. "Here," Benedict announced, opening a door to the balconies outside with a bow. Marie pretended to curtsey, "Why thank you good Sir". "Of course, My Lady," Benedict chuckled, pulling Marie into a swaying dance. She rested her head against him lazily and sighed as she inhaled his scent. "You know," Benedict said, letting them dance freely in the lack of company, "You proved to me how wrong I was about love". He pulled away, spinning her in a slow circle, dipping her low with an arch as he swayed her back and forth. "What do you mean?" Marie asked, her embarrassed tone making her French accent even more prominent. "I always thought loving someone would feel like a burden. I was always the 'second-Bridgerton brother' who never needed to have any responsibilities. I thought I'd have a wife and a couple kids running around. I knew I would love but I never thought I'd be in love. I didn't know what that was meant to feel like," He explained, their feet moving quicker as the music seeping from the ballroom quickened. "What does it feel like? I always thought love would be ineffable," Marie asked quietly, thinking about what Benedict had just said. 

"I'm infatuated with every particle of you. I want to be with you always, I want you to love me till the day I become old and withered. You make me feel euphoric, like I'm living in a world which is better than it should be. My feelings with you are a labyrinth of the best confusion, I hated you and now I love you although I think that hate was more desire than anything else. I get this never-ending happiness when I'm around you. God, Marie I'm so in love with you it makes me think I'm going mad," Benedict gushed, his voice echoing around the empty gardens. "Shush, Benedict someone might here you!" Marie laughed, her cheeks hurting from how much she was smiling. "Do I look like I care?" Benedict said, turning to the landscape opposite them. 

"I'M IN LOVE WITH MARIE ANTOINETTE HOWARD" Benedict screamed at the top of his lungs, holding his chest as the power of his voice shook through him. "Oh God that felt good," He smiled, holding Marie as they rested against each other. They stood there, on a stone balcony covered in roses, watching the colourful sunset with incendiary heat filling their cheeks. The late summer breeze cooled their faces as the pair watched the sky, the feeling of pure unconditional love encasing them. 

Fireworks exploded with colour as the ball came to an end, cheers vibrating from the ballroom. "It's beautiful isn't it," Marie commented, watching the colours scar the sky. Benedict didn't reply. "Benny-" Marie turned to him, her breath hitching in shock. Benedict was on one knee, holding out the prettiest diamond ring Marie had ever seen. 

"Marie Antoinette Howard, will you be stupid enough in love with me to marry me?"

𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐇 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒 | benedict bridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now