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Part 2
Second Semester, 2015

It didn't snow again, not for the rest of January. The warm sun and temperatures in the high sixties returned, much to my satisfaction. Once I bid a farewell to my aunt,who was waiting in her Mustang convertible, I made my way across the UCLA campus. The grass that was usually green and lush is now dry and dead, a brownish-yellow color. I quickly walked past the campus buildings and halls until I made it to the building that my dorm is in. The strap on my duffel bag keeps digging into the skin on my bare shoulder, so I switch and from my right side to my left. Somehow I swing it too far and manage to hit someone, knocking them over.

"Oof!" Someone grunted, as they fell to the ground.

I get down on my knees, dropping my bag in the process. The wet, muddy grass stains my jeans, but that is the least of my worries. What if this guy is unconscious...or worse? "I am so sorry. God, I'm such a klutz. Are you okay?"

My hazel eyes look into cobalt blue eyes, eyes that I could get lost in. Crap. Blue eyes. Those blue eyes... "Carter, uh, are you fine? I mean, are you okay?" I find myself clearing my voice.

Carter must've finally realized who it was because he stands up and gives me a cocky smile. I let out a shaky breath, that I didn't even know I was holding in. Okay, this isn't too awkward. "If I didn't know better I would assume that you were trying to kill me, but I figured that you would be smarter than to do it during the day, with many witnesses, and a duffel bag as your weapon."

He runs his right hand through his shaggy ebony hair. Shaggy? He let his hair grow out and now it covers part of his ear; it looks good. If anything, it makes him even more handsome. If that were even possible. "I'm sorry. It's just I didn't think anyone was there, and I was just trying to switch my bag onto my other shoulder and you were there while I swung my bag- but I didn't see you- and you got hit."

He grins at me, but it doesn't reach his eyes, so I don't know if he means it. "I'm rambling again, aren't I?"

Carter nods. "It's okay you're cute when you ramble. You get all nervous...and flustered. I can tell when you're nervous, you always tug at the ends of your hair. By the way, you shouldn't be nervous. I'm not mad, just confused. I guess." Carter says.

My cheeks redden in embarrassment. "I need to go, but I'll see you around."I start to walk away, for the second time this year, but his words stop me.

"Will you?" He asks," see me around."

"Sure," I lie.

"I don't believe you. Promise me." Carter says in a low tone.

"I promise." I say. He will forget about me in a month or two and my word won't even matter anymore, so I might as well give him the benefit of the doubt. He nods slowly, as if he needs to see if there is a double meaning to those two words. And there is, but he shouldn't know that.

With a curt nod and a small smile, he says," Until later."

As I observe his face, my eyes drift to his lips. Lips that I want to be latched onto mine, interlocked in a blissful kiss.

Before leaving, he grabs my duffel and hands me the strap. "Be careful with that thing; it's deadly."

I laugh, and walk back to my dorm. I am greeted by my roommate, Danielle, who is also unpacking her clothes. I set my duffle onto my made bed and unzip and empty it. I hang up all of my nice shirts, blouses, and jackets, and I fold the rest of the T-shirts, pajamas, and jeans.

"How was your break?" Danielle asks while hanging up an ugly pink and white striped sweater.

"Fine, how was yours?" I ask in return.

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